International Security

European Efforts to Protect Maritime Commerce in the Indian Ocean, 2007-2012

Rafal Nedzarek • Sep 11 2013 • Essays

The EU and the governments of some of its member states share a growing concern about the emerging threats to maritime commerce passing through the Indian Ocean.

The Politics of Surveillance in a Risk Society

Connor Lattimer • Sep 5 2013 • Essays

The War on Terror marked a new security culture of anticipatory surveillance problematic in producing a sense of security that stretches beyond the political realm.

The Threat of Cyberterrorism to Critical Infrastructure

Sam Powers • Sep 2 2013 • Essays

From all of the threats falling under the cyber umbrella, acts carried out to cause terror and loss of life through damage to critical infrastructure present the largest danger.

Peace Studies: An Alternative Perspective on International Security

James Whitehead • Aug 30 2013 • Essays

Peace Studies has evolved beyond traditional IR theories. Acknowledging a wider global security agenda, it is a highly valuable discipline in the 21st century.

Is Immigration a Threat to Security?

Julia Tallmeister • Aug 24 2013 • Essays

Even with the expansion of the definition of security to include societal, economic, internal, and public security, immigration is merely a perceived threat to the state and society.

The Securitisation of the Border – Are We Really Protected?

Amy Garry • Aug 20 2013 • Essays

While common to see security focus on the protection and integrity of a sovereign territory, this essay argues rather that securitisation creates a society of exclusions and insecurity.

Strategic Significance of Drone Operations for Warfare

Jack Miller • Aug 19 2013 • Essays

Drones have evolved within the strategic framework of the U.S. defense community, and are now poised to play a focal role in the future of American power.

The United States vs Wen Ho Lee: An Error of Cooperation, Prioritization, and Imagination

Efren R. Torres • Aug 17 2013 • Essays

The case of Wen Ho Lee supports Frederick L. Wettering’s claim that US counter-intelligence is alive, but not well.

Legitimising Force: The Moral and Legal Ramifications of Humanitarian Intervention

James Whitehead • Aug 13 2013 • Essays

Balancing theory with practice: the success or failure to protect human lives is contingent on the need to solidify a unanimous consensus on intervention among members of the UN.

Is the Legacy of the Vietnam War Still Relevant for the Obama Administration?

Eleanor Kate Flanagan • Aug 11 2013 • Essays

The relevance of the Vietnam War has not faded, as the world is arguably a safer place when the U.S. executive favours selective intervention over careless displays of militarism.

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