International Security

American Energy Security in a Changing Global Energy Market

Robert Copper • Jul 27 2013 • Essays

The United States’ struggle to coherently define a sound definition of energy security has impeded the country’s ability to adequately address the diverse risks to its energy security.

Transnational Crime Alternatives

Andrew M. J. Huntleigh • Jul 25 2013 • Essays

Tackling transnational crime requires shoring up failing states as well as as encouraging extant transnational cooperation and attempting to loosen restrictions on further cooperation.

Hamas’s Role in the Future of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Samantha Borders • Jul 21 2013 • Essays

Initially seen as a minority, separatist movement, Hamas has transformed into an influential body in the Israel-Palestinian conflict and peace process.

The Delegitimizing Power of the ‘Terrorism’ Label

Anais Chagankerian • Jul 18 2013 • Essays

The terrorism label is a powerful means to reach political goals, because of the emotional impact it has on audiences and the memories it provokes from past instances of violence.

Famine and Undernutrition as Security Issues

James Cole • Jul 12 2013 • Essays

Human security is a useful way to study food insecurity, as it moves away from an exclusive focus on the state, whose security does not equate with the security of the individual.

Changing Israeli Security Perspectives

Carl Ciovacco • Jul 11 2013 • Essays

Is Israel returning to the strategy of “security through peace” or a continuation of the “security through strength” mindset characterized by deterrence, containment, and military force?

The Architecture of Spies

Connor Lattimer • Jul 9 2013 • Essays

The city has always been a resource for power. Predominately, this power has been exercised through the use of surveillance by elites in government, the armed forces and law enforcement agencies.

Realism: The Domination of Security Studies

Emily Tripp • Jun 14 2013 • Essays

The definition of security has expanded significantly. Now under the remit of security are issues beyond territorial conflicts and inter-state aggression.

US Foreign Policy Challenges: Cyber Terrorism & Critical Infrastructure

Natalia Tereshchenko • Jun 12 2013 • Essays

A multidisciplinary approach to understanding cyber terrorism is essential to compiling policies capable of responding to today’s problems and to future threats.

To What Extent is Nuclear Deterrence Important in the Post-Cold War World?

Giorgio Bertolin • Jun 4 2013 • Essays

The reintroduction of strategies contemplating the use of nuclear weapons by non-state actors has forced traditional deterrence theories to expand to fit a new security environment.

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