International Security

Why is Intelligence Sometimes Controversial in Democratic States?

Jeremy Jones • Sep 1 2012 •

Exactly how accountable are intelligence agencies and to whom? Before the 1970’s many intelligence services acted by executive decree and there was very little in the way of legislature involvement.

Cold War Politics in the Middle East

Sean Paul Ashley • Aug 30 2012 • Essays

America sought to deny the Soviets access to Middle Eastern territory and, through the policy of containment, inhibit the expansion of the Soviet sphere of influence.

China’s Rise in Historical Context: Prospects for Peaceful Integration

Sam Sussman • Aug 29 2012 • Essays

The U.S. and the international community must recognize that the question at stake is not the fact of China’s rise, but how the global community can avoid shortsighted defensiveness.

The “Revolution in Military Affairs” and Counter-Insurgency

Philip Stibbe • Aug 25 2012 • Essays

The RMA has given COIN practitioners advantages in military “clearing” operations, but has failed to markedly improve them, leaving the insurgent with advantages.

Are Failed African States a Threat to the Western World?

Luke Godfrey • Aug 22 2012 • Essays

Whether a state is failing is not a defining factor for whether the West perceives a situation as a security threat, leading to the question of if the failed state is an appropriate framework for addressing them.

Conflict in the Post-Soviet Caucasus

anon • Aug 19 2012 • Essays

Examining Soviet ethno-federalism, economic factors, a tradition of governance, and the role of religion, what was the nature of violence and conflict in Georgia?

The Iranian Nuclear Program: Realist vs. Constructivist Models

Sean Paul Ashley • Aug 18 2012 • Essays

The isolation and resistance Iran has faced in pursuing its nuclear program serves as a handicap to achieving many long-term foreign policy objectives.

Can the Doctrine of the R2P Make the World More Secure?

Nicola-Ann Hardwick • Aug 15 2012 • Essays

While from a purely moral perspective, the R2P is a crucial step forward, we must remain extremely critical of what it can achieve in a world dominated by power politics.

Post 9/11 US Foreign Policy: Continuation of ‘New Imperialist’ Ambitions?

anon • Aug 14 2012 • Essays

The terrorist attacks of 9/11 acted as catalysts for the U.S. to increase its imperialist foreign policy, by which the pre-existing imperialist nature of U.S. foreign policy has become more apparent.

Assessing the Language of the EU’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy

Sondre Lindahl • Aug 9 2012 • Essays

Terrorism must be understood within its own cultural grammar. It is not in the words that the importance lies, but in the way they are used, by whom, and to what effect.

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