International Security

What is the Best Grand Strategy for the United States in 2012?

Sean Paul Ashley • Aug 9 2012 • Essays

The fixity of US overseas interests – control over oil and waterways – and the erosion of global unipolarity must serve as the central bases for any viable grand strategic proposal.

The Syrian Crystal Ball and the Unfolding of EU-Turkey Relations

Danielle le Poidevin • Aug 4 2012 • Essays

In spite of a lack of crisis management on the part of Turkish and EU officials, there remains practical potential for Turkish-EU cooperation in Syria.

Constructing Responsibility: Sovereignty and Intervention in the Wake of Libya

Paulo M. Rodriguez • Aug 1 2012 • Essays

If states act according to self-interest and material capacity, as the dominant paradigm suggests, why do values and common humanity even matter?

China’s Growing Cyber War Capacities

Mattia Nelles • Jul 29 2012 • Essays

Given growing Chinese cyber-assets and activity, cyber foreign policy and espionage could pose a threat to US interests and Sino-American relations.

Why Did ‘Intelligence’ Fail Britain and America in Iraq?

Nicholas Lawrence Adams • Jul 25 2012 • Essays

The intelligence gathered on Iraq featured a mixture of analytical failures, overstatement, misinterpretation and an overreliance on previous knowledge.

Terrorism and the Media: A Dangerous Symbiosis

Arda Bilgen • Jul 22 2012 • Essays

The media plays a central role in the calculus and framing of political violence and is put into position where it can magnify or minimize these kinds of acts.

Kenneth Waltz’s Thermonuclear Dilemma: Fear, Trust, and the Glimmer of a New Leviathan

Ali Diskaya • Jul 18 2012 • Essays

Lasting peace in a time where all-out thermonuclear war is a constant possibility requires better solutions to the most pressing security issues.

What Are The Main Causes of Genocide?

Dominique Maritz • Jul 12 2012 • Essays

Incidents of genocide are not unique to the modern era; however, ideas of Enlightenment have led to humans’ wish to continually improve their societies.

An Analysis of Contemporary US-China-India Relations

Annemarie Detlef • Jul 7 2012 • Essays

The US-Sino-India triangle is one of the most important strategic relationships of contemporary foreign affairs. The increasing economic ties between China and India outweigh the likelihood of realist war.

The Ticking Bomb and the Justification of Torture

Jessica Devlin • Jul 5 2012 • Essays

The “ticking bomb” metaphor is an unrealistic and wholly unconvincing argument in favour of torture that relies on assumptions that do not stand up to scrutiny in the real world.

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