International Security

Undermining Security? The Post Cold War Enlargement of NATO

Katharina Remshardt • Apr 29 2012 • Essays

The process of enlargement has been accompanied by a vigorous debate, both within academic and executive circles, especially during the 1990s.

Can The Military Be A-Political?

Shaun Sunil Sandu • Apr 26 2012 • Essays

Due to the nature of warfare and policy-making itself, it is almost impossible for a soldier to be a-political.

Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions

David Rorrison • Apr 19 2012 • Essays

Iran has no intentions of stopping its nuclear program in the short term. To deal with this problem, the international community must establish a united strategy and overcome inherent divisions.

Jimmy Carter’s Distinctly Average Foreign Policy Record

Jonathan Provan • Apr 14 2012 • Essays

It is time to revisit the foreign policy record of Jimmy Carter, and consider it in the context of both the Cold War and the issue of America’s role in the world.

Deconstructing the Causes of the Iraq War

Lucas Van Milders • Apr 14 2012 •

When asking what has caused a particular war, we are in a way constructing these causes. There are no such things as objective causes but only those that we construct in hindsight; in the future.

‘Rising China’: A Threat to International Security?

Neil Renic • Apr 13 2012 • Essays

While uncertainties regarding the future of China are legion, the peaceful integration into the international order of a strengthening and influential China is entirely possible.

Is Torture Ever Acceptable in COIN Operations?

Jacob Uzzell • Apr 12 2012 • Essays

Torture is not a necessity in counterinsurgency as a tactic or a strategy, even in extreme situations in which it appears a tempting option.

US Disinvestment from European Security since the Cold War

Giovanni Pinelli • Apr 1 2012 • Essays

In the aftermath of the Cold War the world found itself confronting a new security environment, and this process of transformation produced very complex and ambiguous effects on the EU-US security relationship.

Failed State or Failed Label? The concealing concept and the case of Somalia

Stian Eisentrager • Mar 27 2012 • Essays

The failed state label is catchy and works well in political propaganda, however the term is extremely value-laden and it is outrageously imprecise.

Is the USA Still the Indispensible Power in East Asia?

Alex Ward • Mar 23 2012 • Essays

The rise of a unified East Asia will recalibrate regional security arrangements, re-moulding the contours of a decreasingly unipolar order.

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