International Security

A Postcolonial Perspective on Immigration Regimes and International Order

Hannah Butt • Mar 18 2012 • Essays

This paper aims to disrupt this neat division of internal and external relations, and offer a much more complex view of the contemporary world order.

Is the UN Security Council Fit for Purpose?

Giovanni Pinelli • Mar 14 2012 • Essays

Upon its creation in 1945 the United Nations Security Council was tasked with maintaining international peace and security but is it the most relevant and capable body to deal with today’s security challenges?

Towards A Nuanced Understanding of Failed States

Ahmed Khaled Rashid and Elayna Hamashuk • Mar 6 2012 • Essays

Generalizations are not helpful in determining the causes and implications of state failure in particular cases, as the situation is Somalia demonstrates.

A Critical Assessment of the 1267 Sanctions Committee

Agnieszka Grossman • Mar 3 2012 • Essays

The 1267 sanctioning regime is one of the most controversial aspects of the war on terror, but, paradoxically, also one of the least understood.

Realism, Liberalism and the Possibilities of Peace

Hamza Jehangir • Feb 19 2012 • Essays

Theories of peace and war have been central to cognitive exercises considering human nature and its applications, and are as relevant today as they ever have been when considering the actions of nation-states.

Protecting Human Rights while Countering Terrorism

Salma Yusuf • Feb 14 2012 • Essays

While the United Nations human rights treaty monitoring bodies have contributed to the upholding of human rights in the face of a ‘new brand’ of terrorism and counter-terrorism, the challenges they face make their task daunting, now more than ever.

The Enigma of Iranian-Is​raeli Relations

Uri Marantz • Feb 8 2012 • Essays

The recent intensification of enmity between Iran and Israel has been the focus of political analysts, pundits, practitioners, and critics alike.

ASEAN and the Principle of Non-Interference

Mieke Molthof • Feb 8 2012 • Essays

ASEAN’s founding principle of non-interference has been compromised in recent years by the adoption of a policy of ‘flexible engagement.’

Securitising The Environment: A Barrier To Combating Environment Degradation Or A Solution In Itself?

Parmila Kumari • Jan 29 2012 • Essays

Securitising environmental issues can aid in combating environmental degradation, by gaining the attention of high-level decision makers and enabling mobilisation of resources towards a solution. However if the focus of security remains on the state, securitisation is likely to cause problems as well as solve them.

1946: A Year of Ideological Preconceptions

Brendan Thomas-Noone • Jan 25 2012 • Essays

The view that the Truman administration took in the lead up to, and during, the critical year of 1946 consequently affected the government’s actions when dealing with the Soviet Union.

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