International Security

Filling the Gap: The Moral Purpose of the State and the Duty to Intervene

Joost Hendrik Pietschmann • Jun 6 2021 • Essays

A constructivist understanding of human rights explains sovereignty as a state’s responsibility to protect its citizens and leads to a duty to intervene internationally.

The Tension Between National Energy Sovereignty and Intra-European Solidarity

Catharina Savelkoul • May 25 2021 • Essays

Diverging energy dependency and bilateral agreements between the EU’s member states and Russia hinder its ability to project foreign energy policy as a unified body.

Failed States and Terrorism: Engaging the Conventional Wisdom

Luigi Paoli Puccetti • May 22 2021 • Essays

Failing states present favorable conditions for the settlement of terrorist groups but do not necessarily entail a casual link with terrorism.

Fighting over War: Change and Continuity in the Nature and Character of War

Frederik Munch Wrist • May 15 2021 • Essays

With the recent incorporation of different forms of political contestation into the definition of war, the division between war and peace is essentially dissolved.

A New Era of UN Peacekeeping? The Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Africa

anon • May 14 2021 • Essays

The implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda via Security Council Resolution 1325 has the potential to advance gender in UN peacekeeping missions in Africa.

The Potential Impact of Cyber Capabilities on Future Strategy

Nitin Menon • May 5 2021 • Essays

The elaboration of future strategies requires the analysis of long-held beliefs of what is violence, and what is war in this new cyber era.

Human vs. Feminist Security Approaches to Human Trafficking in the Mediterranean

Erin Grace Hogan • May 5 2021 • Essays

While a human security approach to combat human trafficking has gained support, a feminist security approach is required to fully protect victims of human trafficking.

The Mobilisation of Sectarian Identities in the Syrian Civil War

Antonia Robson • May 3 2021 • Essays

The Assad regime’s securitisation and violent crackdowns led to “counter-sectarianisation” in the Sunni opposition, accelerating Syria’s descent into a civil war.

Does Terrorism Work?

Olusola Samuel Oyetunde • Apr 29 2021 • Essays

The response to the question of whether terrorism works depends how the term “terrorism” is defined and what it means for it to “work.”

The Influence of Islam on Pakistani Nationalism Towards Kashmir

Sidra Yousaf • Apr 28 2021 • Essays

Pakistan bases its irredentist claim toward Kashmir on a instrumentalisation of Islam and the primordial view that a common Muslim identity should lead to unification.

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