International Security

Is the ‘new regionalism’ of Importance to East-West Security?

Vera Michlin • Jul 19 2008 • Essays

This work will look at the idea of regionalism and its link to security. It will argue that that Eurasia, in terms of security, consists of a regional security complex. However, looking at the current conditions in the sub-regions of Eurasia, recent experiences emphasize the weakness of regionalism. Regional security is more capable of identifying threats than constructing viable mechanisms and institutions to tackle them.

What do you Consider to be the Most Significant Security Threat Facing Human Society Over the Next Half Century and how Should it be Dealt with?

Junio Valerio Palomba • Jun 30 2008 • Essays

From a simple positivist position, it is relatively straightforward to claim that – in a not so distant future – the most significant threats to the human society will be environmentally related. It is difficult to conceive another set of problematics that could rival the global scale and potential magnitude of the consequences provoked – for instance – by a constant rise in the sea levels or by a substantial reduction in the global availability of water.

NATO in Afghanistan: Fighting to Define its Future

Adam Groves • Jun 18 2008 • Essays

Almost sixty years after it was first formed, NATO has changed a great deal from the organisation which once prepared to fight the Red Army in Germany’s Fulda Gap. This essay will argue that the alliance is now fighting fto define its future, in Afghanistan.

An Examination of the Personality Types of Three Intelligence Leaders Within the British Intelligence Community

Oliver Lewis • May 25 2008 • Essays

This study examines officials within the British intelligence community – Nicholas Elliott, Maj. Gen. Sir Kenneth Strong and Dame Stella Rimington – to ascertain any commonalities in the traits and type of their personalities. Being psychologically-informed, the study employs the Five-Factor Model and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator on the leader’s autobiographies to identify the primary motivational traits to inform their categorisation into a personality type. While none of the leaders share a single personality type, there are considerable commonalities in trait behaviour and positioning on the MBTI dichotomies. Furthermore, there emerge common trait dimensions shared by successful intelligence leaders (INTJ): Guarded social engagement (Introverted), creativity and intellect (Intuition), rational impartiality (Thinking) and systematic, efficient administrative ability (Judging).

Ethno-Politics, Mobilization and Violence in Northern Ireland and the Basque Country

Pavlos Ioannis Koktsidis • May 14 2008 • Essays

The conflicts in Northern Ireland and the Basque Country have attracted a great deal of research on the macro-political, economic, social and conflict management parameters but there has been little research on the evolution and changing nature of ethno politics in regards to the radical ethno nationalist parties; namely Sinn Fein and Herri Batasuna

Do Nuclear Weapons still have a Role in International Relations in the Post-Cold War Era?

Martin Taggart • May 10 2008 • Essays

This essay questions the role of nuclear weapons in international society through an analysis of their function as a deterrent, nuclear terrorism and proliferation.

The Iran Nuclear Issue

Buryl Chadwick Cooper • Apr 28 2008 • Essays

The purpose of the study is to determine the likely involvement of major world actors if Iran continues to defy the United Nations in its quest for nuclear power. It will conclude that military action against Iran is likely. However, if either the U.S. or Israel leads an attack, they will likely not enjoy the military support of other nations.

Morals of Intelligence

Buryl Chadwick Cooper • Apr 19 2008 • Essays

This essay argues that, due to the potential loss of human life and domestic and international implications and values, morals, as defined by the public, must continue as a guiding force in planning and conducting intelligence operations.

What is Wrong with the War on Terror?

Katie Cowan • Feb 10 2008 • Essays

The policies of the Bush Administration and the conduct of the United States and its allies in counteracting the threat of terrorism have received a wealth of criticism, much of which has been aired publicly. This essay focuses on a critique that does not see much light beyond academic literature: the successful construction of a terrorist threat which has legitimised a war in its name.

The ‘Security Dilemma’ and South Asian Nuclear Relations: India-Pakistan

James Gilgrist • Jan 22 2008 • Essays

Traditionally the Security Dilemma has been employed at the inter-state level. This paper will begin by reviewing the existing literature. It will then see whether the security dilemma can be applied to the India-Pakistan conflict with regards to their nuclear relations.

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