International Security

The Importance of Western and Soviet Espionage in the Cold War

Katharina Langwald • Apr 14 2021 • Essays

On the basis of three case studies of Western and Soviet espionage, this essay will argue that espionage did affect the policies of the Cold War.

The EU-Turkey Refugee Deal: Protection For Whom?

Alexandra Pinto Damas • Apr 12 2021 • Essays

The Refugee Deal translates through a Western-dominate racialized and gendered logic of protection that does not effectively protect the refugees it targets and impacts.

The Implications of Stabilisation Logic in UN Peacekeeping: The Context of MINUSMA

Jemma Challenger • Apr 10 2021 • Essays

UN peacekeeping’s assimilation of counterterrorism rhetoric has incentivised self-interested European military contributions to the UN mission in Mali.

Global Cybersecurity Governance Is Fragmented – Get over It

Emma Sandvik Ling • Apr 10 2021 • Essays

Fragmentation in global security governance is normal and inevitable. In fact, the focus should shift to finding means of increasing and ensuring stability in cyberspace.

Is Security Possible? The Use of Face Coverings to Reduce Transmission of Covid-19

Olivia Foster-Wakeling • Apr 5 2021 • Essays

Securitisation Theory provides a lens by which the UK and US governments’ advocacy of wearing face coverings to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 can be contrasted.

Climate Security in the United States and Australia: A Human Security Critique

Dona Toyesha Tusharansi Padukkage • Mar 27 2021 • Essays

Climate change should be explicitly recognised by states as an existential threat to human security and related measures should immediately be implemented.

Terrorism in the North Caucasus: The Endurance of Russian and Chechen Tactics

Luke Seminara • Mar 23 2021 • Essays

The history of the Chechen-Russian conflict provides a hint toward the tactics that may be employed should violent hostilities emerge again.

Three Lessons for the Intra-Afghan Talks, Courtesy of Iraqi Power-Sharing

Colm Trant • Mar 20 2021 • Essays

Three interrelated components of power-sharing in Afghanistan must be addressed to avoid an unstable experience: accommodation, comprehensiveness, and commitment.

The Securitization of Christianity under Xi Jinping

Zeger Franciscus Glas • Mar 11 2021 • Essays

Through a securitization framework, it is argued Xi’s administration is attempting to present Christianity as an existential threat to national unity and social order.

The Changing Face of Military Assistance and Techniques of Informal Penetration

Sidney P. Williams • Mar 8 2021 • Essays

Case evidence from Colombia and Somalia shows how American military aid has negatively effected both conflict termination and de-escalatory objectives.

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