Political Economy

Did Structural Adjustment Programmes Assist African Development?

Fraser Logan • Jan 13 2015 • Essays

Structural Adjustment Policies were, rather than effective engines for economic development, in fact an smokescreen for the promotion and spread of global capitalism.

To What Extent is Reconciliation an Appropriate Term in Post-Conflict Societies?

Matthew Richmond • Dec 29 2014 • Essays

Due to unrealistic expectations associated with ‘thick’ reconciliation, ‘thin’ reconciliation offers practical realities and moral intent in post-conflict scenarios.

How Have Illicit Drug Trade Networks Undermined Colombia’s Development?

Elizabeth Ambler • Dec 16 2014 • Essays

Colombia and international actors must begin tapping into a development policy that recognises the need to bridge political and civil society.

The Impacts of Rising China on Global Economic Governance

Jiun Da Lin • Nov 25 2014 • Essays

Though currently harmonised, China’s preferences as a rising economic power have become an important determinant of global economic governance.

Local Governance and the “Arab Spring”: A Guide to Libya’s Political Transition

Nick Zukowski • Nov 24 2014 • Essays

Assessing the extent and characteristics of the impact of the “Arab Spring” on the political trajectory of Libya has proven a difficult task.

Short-Term Volunteering and Local Development Projects in Developing Countries

Charlotte Lecomte • Nov 22 2014 • Essays

While an important source of aid in achieving local development, short-term volunteering is more suited to the volunteer than to the host community.

The Asian Development State: An Evaluation

Jessica Tselepy • Nov 22 2014 • Essays

The Asian Development State emerged after WWII as an alternative and effective model of economic development when compared to the dominant US model.

How Have Austerity Measures Undermined Peruvian Women’s Reproductive Rights?

Sophia Gore • Nov 10 2014 • Essays

Under the guise of women’s ‘empowerment’ and and ‘rights to ones own body,’ Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori disguised the economic ideology of the regime.

The Asian Tigers from Independence to Industrialisation

Bruno Marshall Shirley • Oct 16 2014 • Essays

Do the lessons learned from the rapid economic growth of the Tigers from the 1960s through the 1990s have a practical application in contemporary development?

Does the Latin American Left Offer a Post-Neoliberal Alternative?

Ruby Utting • Oct 10 2014 • Essays

The role of the state as the facilitator of capitalist interests has limited the Bolivian government in its ability to initiate a break from neoliberal economics.

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