Political Economy

Consumer Activism: Reinforcing Moral Identity through Fair Trade Coffee

Pierce Lohman • May 24 2012 • Essays

A consumer’s choice is not limited to quality alone. A consumer activist can strengthen his or her moral identity by buying fair trade goods.

What is the Best Way to Deal With Former Combatants in Order to Ensure Peace?

Phil Brown • May 23 2012 • Essays

Comprehensive reintegration processes are the most advantageous way to deal with former combatants to ensure lasting peace.

The Legacy of Communism in CEE

Billy Marsh • May 23 2012 • Essays

No culture or society can escape the 1989 revolutions; they marked a distinct caesura in International Relations. The states that emerged had to deal with unique circumstances, being geographically located in Europe but politically worlds apart.

Prospects and Challenges for the Development of Middle Eastern Democracy

Robyn Halbert • May 3 2012 • Essays

Whilst many of the monarchies in the region seem unwilling to cede power entirely to more democratic institutions, there has been a push for constitutional monarchies.

Peace Education in Sierra Leone

Fatmata Samura • May 2 2012 • Essays

Material repairs to infrastructure are only a small part of any reconstruction effort. Education can provide an incentive for potentially aggressive parties to buy into peace.

Violence against women in Bangladesh

Caroline Wiegand • Apr 30 2012 • Essays

Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world and its estimated prevalence rate of violence against women is extremely high.

Gaining Entrance to the Network City: Harnessing Economic Globalization in London

Connor Lattimer • Apr 28 2012 • Essays

The failure of sustainable business projects in Hackney projects a particular geography to IPE. IPE would engage with conceptions of unevenness through units of analysis concerned with the authority of cities and networks which impact the individual citizen.

The Role of the State in Development: Re-examining Neo-Liberal Recommendations

Annemarie Detlef • Apr 26 2012 • Essays

Examining the history of development in the UK, the US, Germany and Japan brings the policy recommendations of neoliberalism into question.

Combating Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa

Robin Clempson • Apr 25 2012 • Essays

Sub-Saharan Africa has failed to see solid improvements in poverty indicators. Less money spent on measuring poverty and more spent working to reduce it could be the way to progress.

Were SAPs Designed to Keep Africa Economically Subservient to the West?

Sophie Crockett • Apr 21 2012 • Essays

Structural adjustment programmes upheld the theoretical concepts of neo-liberal economics, tied with the underlying notion that markets are inherently greater in the distribution of resources and in solving development problems.

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