Political Economy

IPE and Transnational Criminal Law: An Imperfect Yet Fruitful Relationship

Alen Hristov • Jan 15 2018 • Essays

Transnational criminal law can contribute to the field of International Political Economy through the integration of ideas related to international financial crime.

The Case of the International Monetary Fund and the 2008 Global Financial Crisis

Carlos Rodriguez • Nov 29 2017 • Essays

The IMF presents a conflict between narrative and policy advice strategy. Has this international financial institution learned lessons from the 2008 Global Crisis?

Grievances, Strategies, and Demands of the Contemporary Chinese Labour Movement

Andrea Brügger Aakre • Oct 9 2017 • Essays

The Chinese state’s capitalist transformation in the 1970’s primed the current exploitation of rural workers, which has resulted in sizable labor movement protests.

Building New Understandings? Development and the World ‘Knowledge’ Bank

Ruby Utting • Sep 26 2017 • Essays

The World Bank uses its knowledge production to forward an understanding of development that is conducive to the extension of capital.

Transatlantic Sovereignty Games: What Makes the US and the EU ‘Hang Together’?

Katarina Rebello • Jun 15 2017 • Essays

Drawing on an analytical framework based on ‘sovereignty games’ this essay explores the roles of money in (re)constructing relations between the USA and the EU.

The Rise of the Developmental State in China and Its Absence in India

Haoyu Zhai • May 12 2017 • Essays

The factors of state autonomy, capacity and strategy help to explain the rise of the developmental state in China and its absence in India.

One Belt, One Road and the History of the Maritime Silk Route

Benjamin Robbins • Mar 26 2017 • Essays

Through the One Belt One Road initiative, China attempts to reassert itself as a powerful middle kingdom that is central to global trade and international relations.

Please Mind The Gap: Winners and Losers of Neoliberalism in India

Angela Martin • Mar 11 2017 • Essays

Neoliberalism in India is far from alleviating poverty, it has widened inequality and created a staggering number of losers, roughly the entire agrarian population.

An Analysis of the Indian Further Education System Regarding Gender Inequality

Katy Edwards • Jan 13 2017 • Essays

Gender inequality in India’s further education system is investigated through the variables of transition rates, subjects chosen, literacy rates and early marriage.

China’s Cooperation on the Mekong River in the Realm of Complex Interdependence

Max Neugebauer • Dec 4 2016 • Essays

As the most important and powerful upstream country in Asia, China becomes imperative to any cooperation on water-related issues.

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