Foreign Policy

Transitional Justice and Peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Janja Jankovic • Apr 20 2024 • Essays

Protests in Bosnia and Herzegovina show fundamental issues in the international efforts of peace-building and transitional justice during the post-war reconstruction period.

Populist Transition: The Cases of Venezuela and Ecuador

Alberto Maresca • Apr 15 2024 • Essays

The continuation of Latin American populism will likely produce messianic leaders characterized by beautiful promises that often do not respect the reality of things.

How Did Russia Use Anti-Western Narratives To Justify Intervening In Syria?

Eleni Anagnostopoulou • Apr 13 2024 • Essays

Russian narratives on Syria to justify military intervention are anti-Western, and comprise claims to legitimate counterterrorism and adherence to international law.

Women’s Rights in North Korea: Reputational Defense or Labor Mobilization?

Yesun Kim • Mar 22 2024 • Essays

The plight of North Korean women is evident in the Kim regime’s exploitation of their labor and lack of protection for their rights, despite its rhetoric.

The Stopping Power of Water: An Outdated Concept?

Pranav Kaginele • Mar 7 2024 • Essays

The oceans do not pose nearly as large of an obstacle to a regional hegemon attempting to venture further outwards as they have in the past.

Revisiting Cold War Rhetoric: Implications of North Korean Strategic Culture

Chenjun Wang • Mar 7 2024 • Essays

Changes in exogenous conditions interact with North Korea’s strategic culture of Juche, leading to variations in its ‘rational’ security choices during the Cold War and now.

The Origins of Regionalism in the EU and ASEAN

Dominika Remžová • Feb 25 2024 • Essays

Both convergence and divergence in the extra- and intra-regional security dynamics shaped the emergence/deepening of the Cold War-era EU and ASEAN.

Australia, China, and the Darwin Port Lease as a Public-Private Partnership

Robin Pelenyi • Feb 24 2024 • Essays

The Darwin Port lease was justified by privileging market values, but trouble emerged when it became necessary to incorporate non-market national security values.

Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Imperialist Dynamics in International Law

Laura Andrés Serpi • Dec 15 2023 • Essays

By hegemonically promoting a hierarchical type of sovereign equality, the West perpetuates an unfair international system by failing to listen to distinct voices.

Russia and the “Near Abroad”: (Re)producing Identities through Foreign Policy

Mak Kasapovic • Aug 28 2023 • Essays

The practices of Russian foreign policy serve to call into being a “near abroad” with a certain identity and instantiate a particular construction of Russian identity itself.

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