Foreign Policy

Liberal Peacebuilding and the Road to Hybrid Emancipatory Peace in Colombia

Anna Wall • Jul 31 2018 • Essays

A Hybrid peacebuilding model that includes liberal and grassroots civil society actors, without the liberal subsuming the indigenous, is imperative for durable peace.

‘One Belt, One Road’: Sign of a Revisionist or Integrative China?

Akil Yunus • Jul 22 2018 • Essays

The motive for the OBOR initiative ought to be viewed from a realist lens, failing to do so would grossly underestimate China’s growing authority in the region.

Brexit and Beyond: How Security Threats are Constructed

Jack Gallagher • Jul 12 2018 • Essays

Through speaking security, relevant actors enhanced the threat posed by migration, minorities, and terrorism.

The Depiction of Climate Change as a Threat Multiplier and How It Hinders Action

Laura Ningelgen • May 11 2018 • Essays

Framing climate change as a security threat has little potential to combat the effects of climate change correctly while supporting climate action.

The Capability-Expectation Gap in EU Foreign Policy after the Lisbon Treaty

Cristina Chueca Del Cerro • May 11 2018 • Essays

Although the Lisbon Treaty increased the capabilities of the EU in foreign policy, the expectations from the EU have increased as a result.

Cybersecurity: A National Security Issue?

Daniele Hadi Irandoost • May 3 2018 • Essays

Cybersecurity is a crucial national security issue that must be governed through an approach that combines relevant technical aspects with insights from the humanities.

The Impact of China’s OBOR Initiative on Australia’s Geopolitical Realities

Andrew Allsopp • Apr 19 2018 • Essays

The IPE analytical model demonstrates that China’s OBOR initiative is a sophisticated strategy that potentially solves several of China’s economic and political dilemmas.

Promoting Democracy in Serbia — The Limits of EU Conditionality

John Allison • Apr 12 2018 • Essays

Despite the EU’s use of conditionality, Serbia remains far from constituting a consolidated democracy, and recent trends suggest it may be backsliding.

Is China Using the AIIB to Reinvent Asian Regionalism?

Amreeta Das • Mar 12 2018 • Essays

China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will not reinvent Asian regionalism as we know it today and will instead strengthen existing regional ties.

The Crimean “Precedent” and Unrecognized States in the Post-Soviet Space

Andreï-Bogdan Sterescu • Mar 5 2018 • Essays

Crimea is a relevant precedent in the Post-Soviet space, and Russia’s role in the conflicts and politics of unrecognized states in the region.

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