Foreign Policy

Poliheuristic Analysis: 2008 Indo-US Civil Nuclear Agreement

Samanvaya Saraswat • Jul 18 2023 • Essays

Poliheuristic Choice Theory allows to incorporate domestic matters into the analysis of the India’s strategy in Indo-US civilian nuclear deal negotiations.

Nasser’s Ideology vs Practice: Postcolonial Critique of Egypt’s Yemen Intervention

Amadeus Marzai • Jul 7 2023 • Essays

Nasser subjugated Yemen to a dialectic of security and development, thereby rationalising the expedition’s imperiality and massive violence.

Analysing EU Foreign Policy on Russia before the 2022 Invasion of Ukraine

Rob May • Jun 28 2023 • Essays

A change in power image resulting from militarisation would restrain Europe’s normative impulses and introduce greater cognitive flexibility to policymaking.

From Deployment to Withdrawal: The C-17 Transport Plane in the Afghanistan War

Aineias Engstrom • Jun 6 2023 • Essays

Whose security the C-17 promoted or endangered varied, depending on U.S. political objectives and other components of the war’s security assemblage.

Jazz Diplomacy Paradox: Jazz Within The Maelstrom of Cold War Politics

Mauro ter Heyne • May 27 2023 • Essays

During the Cold War, the US promoted Jazz music as part of an international cultural campaign despite its racial segregation at home.

China’s Take on Changing Global Space Governance: A Moral Realist Argument

Lea Marlene Korb • Apr 23 2023 • Essays

China aims to reposition itself within and change the current system of global space governance by increasing its strategic credibility through moral conduct in space.

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: Cooperation and Conflict Resolution

Ethan Chiu • Mar 26 2023 • Essays

By cooperating, Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan can secure a solution that benefits all parties and prevents future conflict.

On the Role of Intelligence in the Pacific Theater of the Second World War

Pieter Zhao • Mar 22 2023 • Essays

The answer to whether intelligence reduces uncertainty or overcomplicates the decision-making process lies somewhere in between.

The BRI in Kazakhstan: The Chinese Dream with Kazakh Characteristics?

Antonios Vitalis • Feb 26 2023 • Essays

The Chinese Belt and Road Initiative’s ability to align with its principle of win-win in Kazakhstan has proved successful, particularly in the Nurly Zhol project.

Analysing Chinese Foreign Policy

Ian Seow Cheng Wei • Jan 26 2023 • Essays

Xi Jinping’s forceful, ambitious and Machiavellian personality is key to understanding China’s foreign policy in recent years.

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