Foreign Policy

Did Oleg Gordievsky’s Espionage Hasten the End of the Cold War?

Arran Kennedy • Dec 7 2022 • Essays

Through shaping the West’s views of the USSR and in turn its response via the intelligence he provided, Gordievsky had a strategic impact on the end of the Cold War.

Deterrence and Ambiguity: Motivations behind Israel’s Nuclear Strategy

Pieter Zhao • Nov 20 2022 • Essays

Israel’s policy of deliberate nuclear ambiguity enabled Israel and the United States to continue their crucial relationship and not raise Cold War tensions.

Struggle and Success of Chinese Soft Power: The Case of China in South Asia

Ashmita Rana • Nov 14 2022 • Essays

Has China’s cultural and material export led recipients to desire what it does? Focused on South Asia, this essay evaluates China’s notion of and struggle for soft power.

Rallying-round-the-Flag: The Polish Reaction to the EU Rule of Law Proceedings

Hannah Wagner • Oct 20 2022 • Essays

In past years, Polish government was successful in presenting the EU rule of law proceedings as a threat to the Polish nation but was unable to instigate a rally effect.

Do Assassinations Serve Little Purpose Other than to Communicate Resolve?

Arran Kennedy • Sep 24 2022 • Essays

Assassinations do not only communicate resolve. They serve other functions, too, such as eliminating perceived threats and increasing diplomatic leverage.

At The Brink of Nuclear War: (Mis)Perceptions & The Kargil Crisis

Zin Mar Khing • Aug 23 2022 • Essays

During the Kargil crisis, while Pakistan underestimated India’s responses to its transgression, India underestimated the possibility and capability of Pakistan’s advance.

Statehood in Modern International Community: Kosovo, South Ossetia, and Abkhazia

Daniele Stracquadanio • Aug 15 2022 • Essays

Comparative analysis highlighted how the support of Great Powers with strong alliance-building capacities is a key element to exert statehood in the international arena.

North Korean Female Defectors in China: Human Trafficking and Exploitation

Kristin Hynes • Aug 9 2022 • Essays

Already in a vulnerable position, North Korean defectors, particularly women, are susceptible to human trafficking. Chinese policy can tackle or enhance this issue.

Beyond Agent vs. Instrument: The Neo-Coloniality of Drones in Contemporary Warfare

Niklas Balbon • Aug 3 2022 • Essays

Are drones instruments or drivers of neocolonialism? Maybe both. Drone warfare gives its wielders means to project “necropower”, but it also reshapes of norms on warfare.

Beyond Good and Evil: The Sources of US Strategy in Post-Invasion Afghanistan

Luke Seminara • Jul 21 2022 • Essays

Post-9/11 anxieties and post-invasion hubris among top US decision-makers led to a forceful yet open-ended mission with lofty and vague objectives.

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