Foreign Policy

To What Extent Does History Determine the Foreign Policies Of the BRICS?

Charlotte Lecomte • Dec 13 2013 • Essays

The BRICS today are undeniably concerned with creating multipolarity in a globalised world, but the extent to which historical conditions determine their foreign policies remains contested.

Can and Should Human Rights Be Universal?

Matthew Lower • Dec 1 2013 • Essays

If the international community maintains a positive role and domestic pushes for human rights are legitimised by international law, they could yet become universal.

Was the NATO Invasion of Afghanistan Legal?

Rabia Khan • Nov 6 2013 • Essays

Despite the US’ claims of self-defence and terrorist eradication, it can be argued that the NATO invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001 was not legal under international law.

China and Japan’s Responses to the West in the 19th Century

Giulia Valentini • Nov 4 2013 • Essays

Japan and China reacted differently to pressure from the West in the 19th century: Japan opened trade with the West and modernized successfully, neither of which China did.

The Power of One: The Emperor Responsible for the 1972 China-US Relations

Matthew Krnich • Nov 4 2013 • Essays

Chinese – US diplomacy in 1972 would have been impossible without Mao’s permission. The historical influences of the talks illuminate the importance of Mao on China’s decisions.

Successfully Implementing Ethical Foreign Policy

Emily Clews • Oct 31 2013 • Essays

Rather than as a consistent and self-standing construction, ethical foreign policy is dependent upon the underlying domestic and political context of the State in question.

Liberalism: Another Tool of Western Hegemony

Charlotte Langridge • Oct 30 2013 • Essays

The West’s increasingly aggressive nature of exporting liberalism is actually working to delegitimize its own hegemony, creating cracks in the self-perpetuating liberal world order.

The Role of the Media During the Cold War

Alexander Stafford • Oct 26 2013 • Essays

Evolving from radio and print into TV during the Cold War years, the media’s role in the production, contribution, and maintenance of Cold War antagonism cannot be understated.

Has Russia Become a Destablising Force in the World Today?

Matt Finucane • Oct 22 2013 • Essays

Modern Russia is a status quo power, only acting in response to NATO and US-backed actions without intent to enlarge its territorial or military influence beyond its own region.

Deepening Socio-Economic Relations Across Taiwan Straits

Chris Barker • Oct 20 2013 • Essays

While socio-economic relations encourage a peaceful era in the short to medium term, political realism severely constrains the development of these relations the in the long term.

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