Foreign Policy

Indian Perspective on Iran-China 25-year Agreement

Siddhant Nair • Jul 19 2022 • Essays

Despite India’s concerns with Iran and China, the 25-year Iran-China agreement provides it with opportunities to evolve its approach to Iran and West Asia.

“In sight of surrender”: Critical Analysis of the 2022 Sanction Regime on Russia

Hans Iver Traaseth Skogvang • Jul 13 2022 • Essays

Sanctions are unlikely to produce any policy concessions on the sanction state side, and may even produce unwanted developments, all the while aggravating suffering.

Deconstructing Narco-Terrorism in Failed States: Afghanistan and Colombia

Silvia De Giuseppe • Jun 21 2022 • Essays

The essay establishes the causational relation, or the lack thereof, between failed states and narco-terrorism; re-framing narco-terrorism’s ontology, and epistemology.

Balancing Rivalry and Cooperation: Japan’s Response to the BRI in Southeast Asia

Tien Ce Joe • Jun 20 2022 • Essays

Japan’s response to the BRI is not monolithic, and the Sino-Japanese infrastructure rivalry in Southeast Asia is more geostrategic than it is economic.

EU Migration Policy: The EU as a Questionable Actor and a Realist Power

Julia Amorim • May 26 2022 • Essays

For migration, the EU fails to be the normative, liberal power – instead it promotes its interests and creates a gap between rhetoric on migration and harsh practice.

To What Extent Is ‘Great Power Competition’ A Threat to Global Security?

Cormac Smith • May 4 2022 • Essays

The maintenance of US hegemony versus Russia and China contributes significantly to the state of global security: a loss of position would likely have a negative impact.

China’s ‘World-Class’ Military Modernisation

Ian Seow Cheng Wei • Apr 22 2022 • Essays

China’s military modernisation and restructuring is a complex endeavour involving personalities, domestic politics, foreign relations and the economy.

GDPR as a Global Standards? Brussels’ Instrument of Policy Diffusion

Marco Luisi • Apr 9 2022 • Essays

This research argues that the regulatory instrument deployed by the EU, the GDPR, does influence the behaviors of foreign companies and governments as well.

Australia: International Agreements as Obligation in the Case of Climate Change

Chris Fitzgerald • Mar 20 2022 • Essays

The high-emitting state of Australia has obligations considering its international agreements: especially vis-à-vis its vulnerable Pacific Island state neighbours.

Securitisation, China and FDI: The EU’s Foreign Direct Investment Screening Regulation

Talisha Schilder • Mar 15 2022 • Essays

This essay argues that the EU established a tight framework for Foreign Direct Investment screening to securitise Chinese FDI in Europe.

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