Foreign Policy

National Security Complications Arising from Scottish Independence

Berenice Burnett • Jan 5 2013 • Essays

An independent Scotland is unlikely to have the financial security or the resources required to develop and maintain the broad national security and defence that the SNP publicises.

World Oil Market: Prices and Crises

Aparajita Goswami • Dec 28 2012 • Essays

No commodity has such importance for the future of world politics as oil. From a largely commercial activity, international trade in oil has become a source of east-west tensions, north-south negotiations, and considerable disagreement within the West.

The Future of the Asia-Pacific Region: Implications for Australia

Zac Rogers • Dec 14 2012 • Essays

The current re-balancing of the Asia-Pacific is being driven by the shifting nature of the power ratio between the US and China, and by definition an equilibrium will eventually arise.

The Domestic Contraints on US Foreign Policy

Jonathan York • Dec 2 2012 • Essays

Constraints on the foreign policy of the US administration do exist and are most frequently faced by a President by domestic sources. Of these, the most significant constraints are those of the Congress and public opinion.

The Role of Ideology and Interest in Stalin’s Engagement with China

Fan Zhang • Nov 30 2012 • Essays

On February 11, 1945, Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill, then in conclave at Yalta, signed an agreement for disposing of Far Eastern questions.

The Arab-Israeli Case: National Interests and the Limits of UN Capabilities

Carlos Garcia Cueva • Nov 18 2012 • Essays

It is possible to observe that the US has sufficient strategic reasons to block the creation of a Palestinian State in order to not jeopardize its security strategies.

Iraq and the 2012 U.S. Presidential Elections

Luke Falkenburg • Nov 9 2012 • Essays

Should Iraq erupt into sectarian violence or take an anti-American stance, particularly should engagement with Iran become inevitable, it will have negative consequences for Obama during the election.

How Election-Year Politics Shape US Policy Towards the Israel-Iran Nuclear Dispute

Karim Shanahan • Oct 25 2012 • Essays

Will Obama be able to satisfy the desires of the Israel lobby, his constituency, and the State of Israel sufficiently enough to avoid harming his reelection campaign?

U.S. Foreign Policy and Russia: The Role of Internal Debates and Politics

Jacob Kennedy • Oct 20 2012 • Essays

Imagining a great power-focused, cooperative strategy between the U.S. and Russia will only be possible if internal political debates in the U.S. create an environment for it to develop.

Does Britain’s Future Lie with North America, rather than Europe?

Mareike Oldemeinen • Oct 19 2012 • Essays

Current events like the European debt crisis seem to only emphasise the need for Britain to look to North America in order to join NAFTA and escape European bureaucracy.

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