Foreign Policy

The Global Gag Rule, US Imperialism and the Governing of Women’s Bodies

Anja Stelzer • Aug 18 2021 • Essays

It is important to focus on how the GGR affects the everyday lived realities of women in the Global South, as the impact goes far beyond their reproductive health.

Language Matters: Analysing the LGBT Rights Dialogue Between Russia and the West

Alex Schellekens • Aug 16 2021 • Essays

An analysis of language and discourse illustrates the role that LGBT identities play in shaping Transatlantic relations.

Recreating a Nation’s Identity Through Symbolism: A Chinese Case Study

Ananya Sood • Jul 11 2021 • Essays

Mao’s desire for a cultural change in China was an attempt to retain his power within the Communist Party, but his errors in final years overshadowed his achievements.

Offensive Realism and the Rise of China: A Useful Framework for Analysis?

Frank Kuhn • Jul 9 2021 • Essays

While offensive realism emphasizes China’s rise, it provides a limited–if not dangerous–analytical perspective on the issue.

Xinjiang: A New Arena for Sports Activism?

Grant Alexander • Jun 24 2021 • Essays

In China sports activism differs because athletes criticizing political and social issues in China have garnered economic and societal reactions not seen elsewhere.

Beyond the Humanitarian Rhetoric of Migrant Information Campaigns

Juliette Howard • Jun 14 2021 • Essays

By framing migration negatively, migrant information campaigns aim to change migrants’ perceptions to deter them from leaving in the first place.

Interregionalism Matters: Why ASEAN Is the Key to EU Strategic Autonomy

Oscar Eggleton • Jun 13 2021 • Essays

Powerful regional organisations will be vital to ensuring that third powers retain their autonomy and do not become beholden to the interests of superpowers.

The Tension Between National Energy Sovereignty and Intra-European Solidarity

Catharina Savelkoul • May 25 2021 • Essays

Diverging energy dependency and bilateral agreements between the EU’s member states and Russia hinder its ability to project foreign energy policy as a unified body.

The Race for the Arctic: A Neorealist Case Study of Russia and the United States

Dominik Stojkovic • May 17 2021 • Essays

The Arctic is open for business. This paper evaluates the behavior of Arctic states, specially the US and Russia, in an era of newly emerging opportunities and threats.

Pluralist Diplomatic Relations: COVID-19 & the English School’s International Society

Charles Baister • May 5 2021 • Essays

The COVID-19 pandemic has subjected solidarist order to pluralist transformation by stripping international summits of their performative role in diplomacy.

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