
Opinion – The Rise of Islamophobia in Poland

Tuhin Chakraborty • Feb 20 2021 • Articles

Regardless of the government’s rhetoric and its role in mainstreaming xenophobia, Poland needs immigrants.

Rebranding China’s Global Role: Xi Jinping at the World Economic Forum

Selim Öterbülbül • Feb 20 2021 • Articles

China’s grand strategy under Xi Jinping is heading in a more assertive direction, yet still preserving a defensive-oriented foundation.

Outsourcing Death, Sacrifice and Remembrance: The Socio-Political Effects of Remote Warfare

Malte Riemann and Norma Rossi • Feb 19 2021 • Articles

Remote warfare removes war from certain privileged spaces and times, even at the price of maintaining a limitless condition of war elsewhere.

Death by Data: Drones, Kill Lists and Algorithms

Jennifer Gibson • Feb 18 2021 • Articles

Legal questions surrounding the use of metadata in targeting means that an adequate, independent post-strike investigation is the bare minimum of what ‘feasible’ precautions should include.

The Limitations and Consequences of Remote Warfare in Syria

Sinan Hatahet • Feb 18 2021 • Articles

The Syrian conflict is an example of global and regional powers waging remote warfare against their adversaries with minimum human and capital costs.

Intelligence Sharing in Remote Warfare

Julian Richards • Feb 17 2021 • Articles

The risks are rising as we move through the next major revolution in military affairs, and vigilance against eroding human rights needs to keep pace.

Artificial Intelligence, Weapons Systems and Human Control

Ingvild Bode and Hendrik Huelss • Feb 16 2021 • Articles

Including AI in weapons systems is important not because of the emergence of autonomous machines, but because human control is becoming compromised in human-machine interactions.

The Human Cost of Remote Warfare in Yemen

Baraa Shiban and Camilla Molyneux • Feb 16 2021 • Articles

Remote warfare operations in Yemen have led to the deaths of thousands of civilians, along with having significant economic, educational and mental health implications for impacted communities.

Human Rights and Civilian Harm in Security Cooperation: A Framework of Analysis

Daniel Mahanty • Feb 16 2021 • Articles

Even as the US Government shifts its stated defence priorities toward ‘great power competition’, the era of security partnership, and the emphasis on ‘by, with, and through’ is likely here to stay.

Opinion – In Defense of U.S. Education and Cultural Programs

Daniel Bottomley • Feb 15 2021 • Articles

By no means are education programs panaceas to reestablishing U.S. persuasive preeminence, but they are small steps in making America respected again.

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