
Subsidiarity and Fiscal Federalism in Canada

Barrie B. F. Hebb • Feb 3 2021 • Articles

Whether by intentional design, custom or habit, Canada has adopted the principle of subsidiarity lock, stock and barrel.

China’s Political Economy and the UK Post-Brexit

Kerry Brown • Feb 2 2021 • Articles

Never before has the difference between British and Chinese economic and geopolitical power been so great. Britain has more independence post-Brexit, but is also more exposed.

Opinion – Can Museveni Keep Uganda from Boiling Over?

Karolina Werner • Feb 2 2021 • Articles

Museveni will legitimise oppression by manipulating the narrative to keep people in line for as long as he can as he plans for a successor he can stomach.

Opinion – Venezuela’s Migrants and the Challenges of Trinidad and Tobago

Faies Jafar • Jan 31 2021 • Articles

In approaching the situation of irregular migration from Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago’s government needs to go beyond its norms in policy formulation and implementation.

In the Shadow of Sanctions? US–India Relations and the S-400 Purchase

Aniruddha Saha • Jan 29 2021 • Articles

If the Biden administration were to invite sanctions, this would roll back diplomatic progress and set back the US aim of using India as a counter-weight against Chinese ambitions.

The Fragility of Turkish Democracy

Begum Burak • Jan 29 2021 • Articles

Turkey has undergone political decay since 2018. Political institutions have been unable to adapt to changing conditions and have ultimately lost their function and legitimacy.

The UK’s Global Role Post-Brexit: What is Worth Researching?

Patrick Holden • Jan 28 2021 • Articles

Britain has been damaged by Brexit, but this could be overcome with time and the UK may prove to be a fascinating case study of the usefulness (or not) of the soft power concept.

Improving the EU Response to Pandemics: Key Lessons from Other Crisis Management Domains

Anne-Laure Beaussier and Lydie Cabane • Jan 28 2021 • Articles

COVID-19 offered an opportunity to structurally reform the instruments of the health security framework to better respond to future outbreaks.

Opinion – Omens for US-Taiwan Relations in the Biden Administration

Whether the US can contain China’s rise will determine not only the fate of Taiwan and the regional security of East Asia but also the new global order.

Continuity and Change: China’s Assertiveness in the South China Sea

Andrew Chubb • Jan 27 2021 • Articles

Skepticism is warranted regarding PRC claims that its assertiveness is a response to external provocations. What appears like a targeted move may be another step toward a stated long-term goal.

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