
Old Wine in New Wineskins: Elections in Cyprus and their ‘Impact’ on Negotiations

Jan Asmussen • Aug 31 2013 • Articles

It is unlikely the new Turkish Cypriot leadership will push for enhanced and speedy negotiations. The UN and the EU can only facilitate a solution in Cyprus if there are meaningful negotiations.

Chemical Weapons, the Red Line and Beyond: Evidence and Intransigence over Syria

Ciaran Gillespie • Aug 30 2013 • Articles

Many argue international intervention in Syria is now a foregone conclusion but what purpose would this serve and what effect would it have on the conflict and civilians on the ground?

Egypt’s Crisis and Its Polarised Narratives

Elizabeth Iskander Monier • Aug 30 2013 • Articles

How a crisis is simplified and framed can say a lot about the strategic choices being made by certain actors, as can be seen from the polarised narratives arising out of Egypt’s crisis.

Theorising EU Counter-terrorism

Javier Argomaniz • Aug 29 2013 • Articles

EU counter-terrorism can offer a rich testing ground for theoretical frameworks developed within the discipline of Politics, and not only for those derived from the fields of International Relations or European Studies alone.

Publishing and Not Perishing

Dylan Kissane • Aug 28 2013 • Articles

After a summer break, which saw some publishing projects come to fruition, CEFAM soon begins its Orientation program. Like every semester, it brings with it new opportunities, new challenges and, of course, new students.

Cyberfeminism and its Political Implications for Women in the Arab World

Rita Stephan • Aug 28 2013 • Articles

Garnering national support and inspiring followers across the globe, the intersection between gender and culture has come to define transnational Arab cyberactivism and cyberfeminism.

NATO Now and Then: Alliance Agents and Structures in Anarchical International Society

Francis A. Beer • Aug 27 2013 • Articles

NATO, as an international political-military regional organization, seamlessly moves between international anarchy and international society – continuing to thrive beyond its Cold War mandate.

Solutions and Crisis Prevention for Sovereign Debt Default

Richard Rousseau • Aug 27 2013 • Articles

The capitalist system needs a global debt framework to engender a more cautious behaviour among creditors and put downward pressure on the propensity to over-borrow in the international credit market.

Tapping the Tubes: Understanding the Geography of Data

Henry Philippens • Aug 25 2013 • Articles

As the geography of the internet renders data increasingly vulnerable, greater efforts must be made by governments and citizens alike to understand how best to protect this information.

Evaluating Congressional Oversight of Intelligence

Glenn Hastedt • Aug 23 2013 • Articles

U.S. congressional oversight of intelligence can be marked by two characteristics. It is overwhelmingly reactive, rather than anticipatory, and thus, congressional oversight is also sporadic.

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