
Regime Theory and Global Counter-Terrorism: Some Starting Points

Dimitrios Anagnostakis • Oct 19 2012 • Articles

Since 9/11, counter-terrorism has emerged as a broad issue-area in which, according to regime theory, the “principles, norms, rules, and decision-making procedures”of international regimes may emerge.

Pieces of the Persian Puzzle: The Three Layers of Iranian Nuclear Rhetoric

Ariane Tabatabai • Oct 19 2012 • Articles

Confusion over Iran’s nuclear ambitions is generated by the apparent inconsistency of the leadership’s political rhetoric, which shapes the country’s approach to foreign policy.

No Help is Coming: The Syrian-Turkish Strategic Quagmire

Dan G. Cox • Oct 18 2012 • Articles

With numerous strategic pitfalls to intervention in Syria, there is little chance that Article V will be invoked by Turkey to bring in a NATO intervention force.

Russia, America, and Syria

Mark N. Katz • Oct 17 2012 • Articles

Moscow and Washington strongly disagree over many issues. Their differences over Syria, however, do not amount to a Cold War-style proxy war between them. Regional actors are more at odds in Syria than the U.S. and Russia.

Vacuous Vacuums

Alasdair McKay • Oct 16 2012 • Articles

It is strange that those who advocate principles such as critical thinking, empirical investigation, and examining all possible factors to understand events jettison those principles when it comes to reacting to violence in the Islamic world.

GPS: Geopolitics and Security – Critical Perspectives From Royal Holloway

The GPS Contributors • Oct 16 2012 • Articles

e-IR’s latest blog will feature contributors from Royal Holloway who will offer a new distinctive perspective on geopolitical and security research and analysis.

From Dream to Farce: Turkey’s EU Membership

Amanda Paul • Oct 15 2012 • Articles

The EU’s new agenda is aimed at improving general Turkey-EU relations, rather than increasing the likelihood of Turkish membership. Therefore, it seems that Turkey’s EU process could remain stationary for the foreseeable future, if not forever.

After Beslan: Changes in Russia’s Counterterrorism Policy

Mariya Y. Omelicheva • Oct 15 2012 • Articles

The Beslan crisis had an immediate impact on Moscow’s counterterrorism policy but also had considerable broader political implications. It became a trigger for ambitious reforms and will shape features of Russia’s policies for years to come.

Long Cycles and International Regimes

George Modelski • Oct 15 2012 • Articles

Long cycle theory and international regime theory are mutually compatible and mutually supportive. In 100 years we may have passed far enough to achieve a global order anchored in a community of democracies.

The Evidence Supporting the Fear of Chinese Telecommunication Providers

Clement Guitton • Oct 14 2012 • Articles

The U.S. decision to issue strong recommendations against doing business with two Chinese based telecommunication companies creates an atmosphere of mistrust that does not help resolve cyber security issues.

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