Archive for September 7th, 2011

R2P, Libya and International Politics as the Struggle for Competing Normative Architectures

Ramesh Thakur • Sep 7 2011 • Articles

The UN was neither designed nor expected to be a pacifist organisation. Its origins lie in the anti-Nazi wartime military alliance amongst Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union. The all-powerful UN Security Council is the world’s duly, and only, sworn in sheriff for enforcing international law and order.

Is it correct to announce the decline and fall of the CNN effect?

Daniel Hardwick • Sep 7 2011 • Essays

The so-called CNN effect, where the actions of governments are influenced by the imagery presented by 24 hour news media, is not declining, but has been overstated since its initial conception, rendering James Hoge’s assertion that the CNN effect had more influence in its infancy than in subsequent years a misleading notion.

Israel’s New-Found Friends

Ronald Ranta • Sep 7 2011 • Articles

Many of Israel’s supporters and friends are groups that advocate hatred and intolerance. Israelis need to took a good look at themselves and decide whether they want to be associated with these racist parties. Whether Israel embraces or rejects these new-found friends will say much about the character and nature of its society and the direction it decides to take with regards to its future.

The Case for Constructivism In Analysing the India-Pakistan Conflict

Atif Shafique • Sep 7 2011 • Essays

On the face of it, South Asia appears to vindicate the Hobbesian image of international relations that is a central component of many rationalist/realist analyses and theories. Yet a closer look reveals that Constructivism offers great value to understanding and analysing India-Pakistan relations.

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