Archive for 2012

The UK as a Counter Piracy Actor

Jack Hansen • Nov 4 2012 • Essays

The UK, predominantly, views pirates as criminals, and the primary way to eradicate a criminal problem is to arrest and prosecute as many as possible to alter a pirate’s risk/benefit analysis.

The Counter-Piracy Efforts of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime

Emma Pryor • Nov 3 2012 • Essays

UNODC is addressing piracy within a rule of law framework. It has made progress, but it must continue to cooperate so that the counter piracy movement is undertaken to the highest standard.

Why Diplomacy in a Global World is Shaped by Local Media

Cristina Archetti • Nov 2 2012 • Articles

Although we seem to live in a global world, examining how communication technologies are used on a daily basis by social actors is key to understanding how diplomacy is evolving.

The Problematic Evolution of UN Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security

Sara Meger • Nov 1 2012 • Articles

UNSCR 1325 is groundbreaking. However, we need to be wary of focusing disproportionately on ‘rape as a weapon of war’ as it undermines the potential for action to address other forms of gendered violence that is perpetrated in conflict-affected societies.

The Sejdic and Finci Case: More Than Just a Human Rights Issue?

Elyse Wakelin • Oct 31 2012 • Articles

The Sejdic and Finci ruling highlighted the human rights difficulties which are still present in Bosnia. The future of Bosnia as an EU member is only possible if political parties put ethnic feuds aside.

More Questions than Answers? 12 Years on from UNSCR 1325

Katharine Wright • Oct 31 2012 • Articles

e-IR’s range of publications to mark the anniversary of UNSCR 1325 reflect on the unintended consequences resulting from the resolution and highlight the silences surrounding the issues.

Permanent Security Council Members and Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security

Soumita Basu • Oct 31 2012 • Articles

Dominant narratives on UN SCR 1325 and subsequent developments highlight the leadership of civil society organizations, particularly the NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security.

The UK’s Approach to UNSCR 1325: Limitations of Gender Mainstreaming?

Roberta Guerrina • Oct 31 2012 • Articles

The UK’s approach to UNSCR 1325 instigated a new national debate. However, meaningful engagement with the gendered nature of state approaches to security is a long way off.

UNSCR 1325 and Gender Mainstreaming in the UN Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Activities

Marianna Karakoulaki • Oct 31 2012 • Articles

In spite of UNSCR 1325, gender mainstreaming within peacekeeping and peacebuilding activities has not been an overarching success due to lack of understanding of the concept.

NATO’s Approach to Counter-Piracy

Darshana Mozinder Baruah • Oct 31 2012 • Essays

NATO’s approach to counter-piracy is through cooperation and self-awareness. However, measures should no longer be focused just on preventing piracy, rather, they should also look to eliminate it.

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