Archive for 2012

Where the Heck is Central Sulawesi and Why Should I Care?

Dan G. Cox • Sep 20 2012 • Articles

Sulawesi’s situation has the potential to turn into a Darfur or Southern Philippines-type conflict. The disturbing aspect of this conflict is that it is not on any radar screens in the west.

Assessing the Success of Portuguese and Spanish Exploration and Colonization

Leighton James Hughes • Sep 20 2012 • Essays

The fact that colonialists had “more sophisticated weaponry” fails to address the question of why not all European nations were able to compete for the same opportunity to colonize.

Is Turkey a Democracy?

Luke Godfrey • Sep 20 2012 • Essays

Contemporary Turkey’s political system, despite some clear flaws, can be characterised as democratic. The AKP, by undertaking further reforms, has continued this processes of democratisation.

The Republican Party and US Foreign Policy

Robert Singh • Sep 20 2012 • Articles

In a Romney administration few prominent realists would likely gain top decision-making posts. While erstwhile hawks, nationalists and neocons who do make it into positions of influence will likely be ‘captured by reality’.

The Importance of Institutions to Economic Development

Luca Ferrini • Sep 19 2012 • Essays

Institutions strongly affect the economic development of countries and act in society at all levels by determining the frameworks in which economic exchange occurs.

The South Pacific: Microcosm of Future US – China Competition?

Joanne Wallis • Sep 19 2012 • Articles

Emerging willingness by China, the US and other Western states to cooperate in the South Pacific may suggest that proposals for the US to engage and cooperate with China, perhaps in a ‘concert of powers’ model, could succeed in the future.

Human Rights and State Security: The Conflicting Features of International Migration

Jalil Abdallah • Sep 19 2012 • Articles

Irregular migration is a difficult test of the constructive interaction between two fixtures of modern political dialogue: the protection of individual human rights and the obligation of state’s to maintain security for their citizens.

Ten Years On and Still Under Construction: African Peace and Security Architecture

Malte Brosig • Sep 19 2012 • Articles

The APSA has managed to establish itself as the premier African organization. However, dispersed ownership, unfinished or vague security and policy doctrines and scarce resources will continue to hamper the AU from reaching its full potential.

Australia’s Engagement in the Asia Pacific: Reality, Utopia & Transformation

James Richmond • Sep 19 2012 • Essays

Classical Realist, Neoliberal and Constructivist theories can synergise and complement each other by providing a multidimensional approach to Australia’s regional engagement.

Mercosur in South America: A Cooperative, Shared, or Consensual Hegemony?

Fernando Jose Ludwig • Sep 19 2012 • Articles

Hegemonic power exerted by Brazil towards the region presupposes a certain degree of legitimacy, supported by other states (in this case, Mercosur member states), with consent of internal strata which occupy current hegemonic positions.

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