Archive for 2012

Nationalism, the Parti Quebecois, and the 2012 Quebec General Election

Glen Duerr • Sep 10 2012 • Articles

The election of Pauline Marois should be seen as another nationalist challenge to Canada’s national unity. Yet, with only 32 percent of the popular vote, her powers to hold a referendum are constrained.

Can ‘Just Giving Money to the Poor’ Reduce Poverty?

Cecil Sagoe • Sep 10 2012 • Essays

Whilst giving money to the poor is necessary to alleviate certain aspects of poverty, this social protection method in itself is not sufficient to reduce the multifarious aspects of poverty.

Why Turkish Accession Depends on Mediation of the Cyprus Dispute

Neil Renic • Sep 9 2012 • Essays

The EU can effectively mediate the Cyprus conflict to a peaceful resolution through a process of Graduated Reciprocation in Tension Reduction (GRIT).

Eastern Promises: Russia and the 2012 APEC Summit

Paul B. Richardson • Sep 8 2012 • Articles

The 2012 APEC summit at Vladivostok has become the stage on which Russia is announcing its presence in the Asia-Pacific as a modern, dynamic country, which should be welcomed into the region.

The Case for Russian and East European Studies

anon • Sep 8 2012 • Essays

Major processes such as globalisation remain – despite their international appearance – locally embedded. Area specialists can contribute to a more refined interpretation of these developments.

The Role of Violence During Indonesia’s Political Transition

Yasmin Lane • Sep 7 2012 • Essays

The beginning of the 1990’s marked the start of a transition in the realm of Indonesian politics, as the population began to show their frustration towards Suharto’s authoritarian regime.

The Importance of the Straits of Malacca

Robert Potter • Sep 7 2012 • Articles

The vast majority of China’s oil imports pass through the Straits of Malacca. This creates a security issue for China as the Straits function as a strategic chokepoint through which their energy supply must pass.

Review – The Untold Story of the People of Azad Kashmir

Tahir Abbas • Sep 7 2012 • Features

Despite it’s certain shortcomings, there are few books that prove as illuminating as this excellent tome. It is likely to remain an important contribution to the literature for many years to come.

The Governmentalization of the State: Two Questions of Power

Andreas Aagaard Nohr • Sep 6 2012 • Essays

The question of ‘who governs?’ is problematic. We must, therefore, start our inquiry of power with a question of ‘how?’: how is power exercised?

Foreign Policy and the 2012 Presidential Election: Divergent Visions for the Future

Michael F. Cairo • Sep 6 2012 • Articles

Foreign policy matters in this presidential election. President Obama has offered an approach to American foreign policy that rejects the policy of the George W. Bush administration, while Governor Romney is likely to offer an updated version of it.

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