Archive for 2012

Review – The Philosophy of Sociality

James Wakefield • Sep 6 2012 • Features

Raimo Tuomela explicates the concept of “us” and what it means to act as group. What Tuomela does in this book is to examine an old idea and reveal what we understood by it all along.

Nothing is Something Dangerous

Tanzil Chowdhury • Sep 6 2012 • Articles

Politics (when politicians can be bothered) is all about doing. As conscious citizens, we must begin to deconstruct the status quo that doing nothing is an inconsequential act.

European Approaches to Terrorism in a Post-9/11 World

Claire Howells • Sep 6 2012 • Essays

European and US approaches to combating terrorism have sharply diverged. European counter-terrorism policy has enabled the EU to project the very values and interests that define it.

How Did the Brahimi Report Improve the Effectiveness of UN Peacekeeping Operations?

Lauren Durand • Sep 5 2012 • Essays

The Brahimi report is not an achievement in itself as peacekeeping still faces operational issues but it greatly contributed to the improvement by highlighting several flaws.

Targeted Killing: The Limits of Power

Amos N Guiora • Sep 4 2012 • Articles

Targeted killing is a legal, legitimate and effective form of active self-defense provided it is conducted in accordance with international law, morality and a narrow definition of legitimate target.

Intervention vs Non-Intervention in Syria: Assessing Costs and Benefits for the West

Mark N. Katz • Sep 4 2012 • Articles

In the case of Syria, Western policymakers need to focus on, not whether to choose between intervention and non-intervention, but what sort of intervention will minimize costs and maximize benefits.

Nuclear Disaster in Taiwan: An Ignored Factor in the US-China Relationship

Shang-su Wu • Sep 4 2012 • Articles

A major incident at any nuclear power plant in Taiwan could quite possibly lead, in a worst-case scenario, to a failed state. This could open up space for China and the US to compete in the ensuing political vacuum.

Does the European Union Lead in the Combat of Climate Change?

anon • Sep 4 2012 • Essays

The extent to which the EU can be accurately labelled as the world leader in combating climate change has increased, despite elements still appearing relatively fragile.

Review – Nuclear Energy and Global Governance

Alvin Almendrala Camba • Sep 4 2012 • Features

Trevor Findlay’s Nuclear Energy and Global Governance is a very well-researched manuscript that deals with the drivers and the constraints of a possible global nuclear energy revival.

Sri Lanka’s Attitude to International Threatening: The Upcoming UPR

Chloe Desbenoit • Sep 3 2012 • Articles

The upcoming Sri Lankan Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is due to start this November in Geneva. This UPR session will be an important test for the Sri Lankan authorities.

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