Archive for 2012

Contextualizing Pussy Riot in Russia and Beyond

Jennifer Suchland • Aug 28 2012 • Articles

The trial of Pussy Riot and its larger issues are an indication of extreme repression. Yet, the tentacles of that repression extend across the globe – reaching far beyond Putin’s Russia.

US Intervention in the “Arab Spring”

Asad AbuKhalil • Aug 28 2012 • Articles

US intervention in the Arab world is still predicated on the same foundations that determined the courses of US foreign policy during the Cold War. With the Arab Spring, US intervention is likely to continue and expand.

Agency and International Relations: An Alternative Lens

Joseph Royo • Aug 28 2012 • Essays

Synthesizing the agency biases across theoretical schools of thought reveals a more comprehensive analytical picture than those viewed through a particular theoretical lens.

Official Development Assistance in Nepal: A Development Perspective

Yam Prasad Chaulagain • Aug 28 2012 • Essays

Both the donor and national governments are equally responsible for the poor performance of ODA in Nepal due to a mismatch of priorities between the two parties.

The Case for Nationalism in the Demise of the Soviet Union

Seth Carroll • Aug 28 2012 • Essays

While economic and ideological failure played as important role in delegitimising Soviet control, nationalism was the defining feature of the collapse of the Soviet Empire in Eastern Europe.

What are the Main Causes and Effects of Economic Protectionism?

Luca Ferrini • Aug 28 2012 • Essays

Lobbying, group formation, and the interests of politicians distort policy in favour of trade protectionism – despite the costs the costs imposed on the whole of society.

Situating Religion in International Relations Theory

Nukhet Sandal • Aug 28 2012 • Articles

IR theorists face the challenge of situating religion in their explanations of global events, but, as Sandal argues, this does not necessarily require the abandoning of existing theories.

The Conviction of Pussy Riot: Part of a Larger Pattern

Keally McBride • Aug 28 2012 • Articles

The conviction of three members of Pussy Riot is only the most visible manifestation of new developments in Russia. Putin wants to use the scrim of Russia’s legal system to show how completely he has eclipsed it.

The Controversies and Complexities of the Russian Federation Joining the WTO

Ralph Pettman • Aug 27 2012 • Articles

The story of the Russian Federation joining the WTO works two ways; in terms of exports and imports. The shift from economic nationalism to market liberalism comes with controversies and complexities.

Interview – Bas de Gaay Fortman (Part One)

E-International Relations • Aug 27 2012 • Features

This is the first part of a series of exclusive interviews with Professor Bas de Gaay Fortman about his book ‘Political Economy of Human Rights: Rights, Realities and Realization,’ conducted by e-IR’s Maysam Behravash.

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