Archive for 2012

Feminism’s Influence on Iceland’s Foreign Policy

Silja Bara Omarsdottir • Aug 21 2012 • Articles

Sustained pressure on government and an increasing number of women in the Foreign Service provides support to the claim that feminism has influenced Icelandic foreign policy.

Nationalism, Racism and the Olympic Industry

Helen Jefferson Lenskyj • Aug 21 2012 • Articles

Racism works hand-in-hand with international rivalries and tensions to generate media firestorms. In this respect, the Olympic industry’s reliance on rhetoric of international peace and friendship has long lacked any credibility.

The Cuban Missile Crisis and the Deterrence Value of Nuclear Weapons

Dominique Maritz • Aug 21 2012 • Essays

The peaceful resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis was not determined by nuclear weapons. Their use in preventing great power war, therefore, must be viewed as limited.

Failed Policy: The IMF in Crisis

Timothy Sharpe • Aug 21 2012 • Articles

The failure to distinguish between sovereign and non-sovereign economies has corrupted IMF policy advice. Reform remains problematic due to the dominance of neo-liberal ideals in the Fund.

Russia’s Accession to the WTO: Exchanging Economic Freedom for Voice

Geraldo Vidigal-Neto • Aug 20 2012 • Articles

Russia’s decision to join the WTO is motivated by political interest as much as by economic calculation. The WTO’s record with inducing rule compliance, even by powerful members, presents optimism that Russia will play by the rules.

The Race that Never Was?

Robert W. Murray • Aug 20 2012 • Articles

To some, the Arctic represents the unknown, new opportunities, and the future; to others, the Arctic represents little more than a barren and frozen region that matters little in the grand scheme of world affairs.

The Human Terrain System in Northeast Baghdad: The View From The Team Level

Peter W. Pierce and Robert M. Kerr • Aug 20 2012 • Articles

Rather than debating the ethics of social science in military operations, this article provides an inside account of the Human Terrain concept in a culturally complex area: northeast Baghdad.

Conflict in the Post-Soviet Caucasus

anon • Aug 19 2012 • Essays

Examining Soviet ethno-federalism, economic factors, a tradition of governance, and the role of religion, what was the nature of violence and conflict in Georgia?

Chinese Nationalism and Foreign Policy: A Cause for Concern or Patriot Games?

Benjamin William Moles • Aug 18 2012 • Essays

Chinese patriotism, or nationalism, will very much remain what outside observers decide to make of it, and cognizant of this, Western policy should not seek to create a realist self-fulfilling prophecy.

The Iranian Nuclear Program: Realist vs. Constructivist Models

Sean Paul Ashley • Aug 18 2012 • Essays

The isolation and resistance Iran has faced in pursuing its nuclear program serves as a handicap to achieving many long-term foreign policy objectives.

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