Archive for 2012

The Historical Context of the War Against Doping in Sport

Maxwell J. Mehlman • Aug 18 2012 • Articles

Liberal societies must be wary of punishing citizens because they offend other citizens’ aesthetic sensibilities. This is permissible only under exceptional circumstances, and it is dubious that doping in sports qualifies.

Lebanon and the Syria Crisis

Vicky Kelberer and Augustus Richard Norton • Aug 17 2012 • Articles

With Syria descending into all out civil war, neighboring Lebanon finds itself in a precarious spot. The Lebanese government’s equivocal stance may prove impossible to continue.

Why are Regimes and Regime Theory Accepted by Realists and Liberals?

Stoyan Stoyanov • Aug 17 2012 • Essays

Regimes gained popularity during the 20th century as states began to increasingly get involved in international agreements and rules.

Masculinity in IR: Feminist Interventions

Brett Remkus • Aug 16 2012 • Articles

Feminist scholarship has highlighted a problem in studying gender within IR, which rests not in the problem of “missing men” but rather the elision of women and women’s perspectives.

U.S. Propaganda and the Cultural Cold War

James Chisem • Aug 16 2012 • Essays

The efficacy of Western Cold War propaganda has been overstated. Interestingly, the private sector had often undermined the coherence and attractiveness of the U.S. propaganda programme’s message.

Review – Syria at Bay

Christina Hellmich • Aug 16 2012 • Features

Carsten Wieland offers a nuanced insight into the complex make-up of Syrian society before it descended into chaos. Such insights will be of enormous value in a post Assad era.

The Transformation of War

Sarah Miller • Aug 16 2012 • Essays

There has been a shift in attitudes toward war, which has taken place most visibly in the most developed and powerful states in the world, and has resulted in a transformation in how war is practiced.

Lisbon Treaty in Focus: A Poorer Substitute for the Former Constitutional Treaty?

Elijah Bossa • Aug 15 2012 • Essays

The Lisbon Treaty is an optimum substitute for the Constitutional Treaty as it endeavours to combine closer integration with a sophistication of the EU’s supra-national order.

Pre-Negotiations: A Necessary Pre-Requisite for Success in Diplomatic Negotiations

Elyse Wakelin • Aug 15 2012 • Essays

Pre-negotiation allows parties to prepare themselves for the negotiation process whilst not being bound to any decisions or actions.

Can the Doctrine of the R2P Make the World More Secure?

Nicola-Ann Hardwick • Aug 15 2012 • Essays

While from a purely moral perspective, the R2P is a crucial step forward, we must remain extremely critical of what it can achieve in a world dominated by power politics.

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