Archive for 2012

Can Europe Survive the Euro?

Vivien A Schmidt • Aug 6 2012 • Articles

How can one change the policies of the European Union without politicization? What the EU needs is ‘policy with politics’ where the Eurozone crisis should be solved through growth, not endless austerity and decline.

The Implications of Statelessness on the Politics of Protection

Elyse Wakelin • Aug 6 2012 • Essays

By ensuring that a person is entitled to the nationality where he is most linked, an individual is more likely to be able to effectively access the rights which are bestowed upon him.

Theoretically Justifying Human Rights: A Critical Analysis

Nicola-Ann Hardwick • Aug 5 2012 • Essays

Human rights are inherently paradoxical and changeable. In this respect, there is a need to rethink human rights based on difference, rather than sameness.

Energy Sector FDI in Azerbaijan: An Example of Good Governance?

Timothy Frayne • Aug 5 2012 • Essays

Natural resources in Azerbaijan attract significant FDI, but dependence on oil-sector revenues does not always suggest good governance.

The Syrian Crystal Ball and the Unfolding of EU-Turkey Relations

Danielle le Poidevin • Aug 4 2012 • Essays

In spite of a lack of crisis management on the part of Turkish and EU officials, there remains practical potential for Turkish-EU cooperation in Syria.

An Attack on Iran: Four ‘No Ways’ and One ‘Maybe’

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Aug 4 2012 • Articles

The US is broke, the military is focused on new horizons, and international condemnation on an Israeli preventive action will be overwhelming for the US. Hence, short of an Iranian act of aggression, war is unlikely.

Fighting Intervention or Fighting Imperialism?

Tanzil Chowdhury • Aug 4 2012 • Articles

Many progressives have unwittingly accepted the Arab Spring narrative in Syria. More scepticism is required because without this ‘intervention’ cannot ever be justified.

Is Obama’s Foreign Policy Different From George W. Bush’s?

Peter Feaver and Ionut Popescu • Aug 3 2012 • Articles

Obama’s successes have come when he has followed the policies of the Bush administration. His failures have come when he has attempted to implement his own initiatives.

Review – The Counter-Counter Insurgency Manual

James Hevia • Aug 3 2012 • Features

This book opposes the militarization of anthropology, and views the US army’s effort to enlist anthropologists as fieldworkers as ethically repugnant.

Women in the Arab World: A Case of Religion or Culture?

Desiree Bryan • Aug 2 2012 • Essays

Religion, culture and politics are historically interdependent influences, constantly reimagined and reconstituted throughout history, that shape the space that women occupy.

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