Archive for 2012

Compatibility or Incommensurability: IR Theory and Complex Systems Analysis

Robert W. Glover • Jul 21 2012 • Articles

Taking the insights of complexity theory and complex systems analysis seriously in IR will require a substantial “re-boot” of much of the discipline’s theoretical apparatus. This may form the next great debate in the discipline.

Why Isn’t the U.S. Selling Iran iPhones?

Zachary Keck • Jul 21 2012 • Articles

American sanctions against exporting smartphones and computers to Iran are not only violating civil liberties but also common sense.

Contesting Sovereignty Over Pacific Islands During WWII

Matthew A. Hill • Jul 20 2012 • Articles

During World War II, the Pacific Islands were an area of great power rivalry between the otherwise allied Britain and the United States The catalyst for this rivalry was the expansion of civil and military aviation.

An Explanatory Account of Stalin’s “Great Terror” and the Rwandan Genocide

Thomas Spencer • Jul 20 2012 •

A strategic explanatory account of mass killing is of extensive relevance, but evidently this human tragedy cannot be exclusively understood as a strategic consequence.

Are Clausewitz and Sun Tzu Still Relevant in Contemporary Conflicts?

Sarah Miller • Jul 20 2012 • Essays

Sun Tzu has much to tell us about how wars are and should be fought today, while Clausewitz’ contribution to the discussion of contemporary conflicts is more limited.

Uzbekistan’s Suspension of CSTO Membership: Policy as Usual in Tashkent

Bernardo Teles Fazendeiro • Jul 19 2012 • Articles

Uzbekistan’s temporary membership within CSTO served mostly to hamper the organization’s significance, while simultaneously obtaining some military goods.

Regional Voluntarism: The Sustainability of Nigerian Afrocentrism

Jonathan Ajere • Jul 19 2012 • Articles

Sustainable commitments to African security and development from Nigeria as well as achievement of its national interest are not incompatible.

The End of Maastricht and the last Euro: Will the EU Survive the Euro Crisis?

John Weeks • Jul 19 2012 • Articles

The original motivation for what has become the EU was for a lasting peace in Europe, in which no country would dominate the continent. Yet, the euro and large country nationalism have changed the EU into the vehicle to achieve that domination.

Review – Tiger Trap: America’s Secret Spy War with China

Shiran Shen • Jul 19 2012 • Features

The stakes of Chinese espionage against the US are higher than ever. Tiger Trap is a timely book which enriches understanding of the issue.

Building an Independent State in Kurdistan

Peshtiwan Ali • Jul 19 2012 • Essays

The Kurdistan region has to earn its complete part in secession from being a de facto substate entity within the Iraqi state and transferring itself to a fully independent de jure state.

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