Archive for 2012

Review – Winner Take All

Ross Anthony • Dec 11 2012 • Features

Through the presentation of numerous data sets, Moyo offers a counter-reading to a slew of biased writing which presents China’s growing role in the market for global resources without reflection on the Euro-American sphere’s continued domination of these markets.

Civil War Relapse?: Hezbollah & Sectarianism in Post-War Lebanon

Luke Falkenburg • Dec 11 2012 • Essays

Hezbollah has demonstrated itself to be the greatest threat to the stability of post-war Lebanon. It acts outside state control and holds the populace hostage to its demands.

Characteristics of Street Children

Abdelfatah Ibrahim • Dec 11 2012 • Essays

Despite the harsh conditions in which street children live, they make good use of the surrounding environment to survive.

US-Afghan-Pakistani Relations During Obama’s Second Term

Salih Dogan • Dec 10 2012 • Articles

The U.S. administration must get ready for negotiations and bring the neighboring countries -especially Iran and Pakistan- together and constitute a regional pact for the peaceful future of Afghanistan.

Jury Still Out on Killer Robots

Paul Robinson • Dec 10 2012 • Articles

Killer robots have long been a staple of science fiction. Yet, the prospect of so-called ‘lethal autonomous robots’ is now far more real. As a result pressure is growing to outlaw them before they become an established part of warfare.

Is Terrorism the Main Threat to Human Security in Northern Africa?

Christopher Grundy • Dec 9 2012 • Essays

Terrorism is undoubtedly an inimical factor in the pursuit of human security, although it is by no means the only issue and not the most significant either.

Habermas on Liberalism: Towards an Intersubjective Paradigm

Yvonne Manzi • Dec 8 2012 • Essays

The study of these rules is what Habermas calls universal pragmatics. If individuals want to come to an understanding, they must let go of conflictual and instrumental methods of action.

Hu Jintao’s Foreign Policy Legacy

Suisheng Zhao • Dec 8 2012 • Articles

Hu Jintao presided over China’s phenomenal rise as a global power. However, Beijing’s assertiveness was not joined with a broader vision, making China an often reluctant actor internationally.

Ottawa’s Struggle to Emerge From the Hemispheric Shadow

W. Alex Sanchez and Trent Boultinghouse • Dec 7 2012 • Articles

Given the billions of dollars in potential trade and US refocusing on Asia, Ottawa would be well advised to develop a comprehensive doctrine or strategy with regards to its relations with the rest of the Western Hemisphere – especially Latin America.

Is Failed State a Useless Term?

Neil Renic • Dec 7 2012 • Essays

The label ‘failed state’ is now commonly employed to describe a host of troubled states, seemingly unable to achieve the material requirements crucial to state legitimacy.

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