Archive for 2012

What Are The Main Causes of Genocide?

Dominique Maritz • Jul 12 2012 • Essays

Incidents of genocide are not unique to the modern era; however, ideas of Enlightenment have led to humans’ wish to continually improve their societies.

Review – Muslims in Indian Cities

Reece Jones • Jul 12 2012 • Features

As the authors of this volume demonstrate, India’s 170 million Muslim population have been the losers in a legacy of establishing separate territories for non-territorial religious categories.

Would Scottish Independence Matter to Basques?

Atsuko Ichijo • Jul 12 2012 • Articles

There has not been much consideration of how Scotland potentially seceding from the UK might impact the Basque movement in Spain. Despite the many similarities between the two cases, it is unlikely to have much impact.

Unraveling the Mystery of People Smuggling Networks

Marie Ngiam • Jul 11 2012 • Essays

People smuggling networks targeting Australia have a number of common elements, such as flexibility and adaptability, wide range of actors and branching out into other organised crimes.

On State Sovereignty: The End of Territoriality as the Starting Point in IR?

Elijah Bossa • Jul 11 2012 • Essays

Territoriality as the starting point for settling questions of international relations no longer reflects the constitutional reality of state sovereignty within international law today

The Failure of Female Empowerment Through Suicide Terrorism in Palestine

Kinga Szalkai • Jul 11 2012 • Essays

The behaviour of women who undertake a suicide mission is unusual in the traditionally patriarchal Palestinian society, and has the allusion of challenging traditional female roles. In reality, it is a dead end.

Labour Movements: A Prominent Role in Struggles Against Globalisation?

Joe Sutcliffe • Jul 11 2012 • Essays

Neoliberal globalisation creates opportunities for new forms of organisation and resistance, even as it attempts to undermine existing strategies.

Iran’s Response to Sanctions

Zachary Keck • Jul 10 2012 • Articles

Iran’s response to U.S. and EU sanctions demonstrates its increasing desperation, but the West lacks a plan for translating its current advantage into Iranian concessions on its nuclear program.

Of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Union

David B Roberts • Jul 10 2012 • Articles

Few, if any, Gulf nations welcomed the Arab Spring. Only when Arab dependency upon U.S. guarantees changes will the Gulf states move towards meaningful cooperation.

Factors Fuelling China’s Expanding Maritime Operations

Chietigj Bajpaee • Jul 10 2012 • Articles

China’s traditional inward-looking nature is gradually giving way to a more expansive maritime presence, as demonstrated in both Beijing’s rhetoric and actions. Despite myriad regional maritime disputes, naval cooperation in the Asia-Pacific remains both possible and desirable.

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