Archive for 2012

China: Peaceful or Menacing?

Andrew Kujala • Jun 27 2012 • Essays

The PLA is the state’s main instrument of war, which means that it is likely to have a considerable impact on whether China is branded ‘peaceful’ or ‘menacing’ by other states.

Nothing to See Here: The 2012 EU-Russia Summit

Maxine David • Jun 26 2012 • Articles

Russia is intent on proving itself relevant on the global stage. In an age when attention is shifting to the East and the South, Russia is positioning itself as a central, non-Western, power.

Mexico: Democracy Without Citizenship?

Philipp Dreyer • Jun 26 2012 • Essays

The relationship between citizenship and the quality of democracy has become an increasing concern to Mexico’s democratic transition.

Geopolitical Challenges to Implementing the Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities

Michael J. Listner • Jun 26 2012 • Articles

After a failed effort by the EU in 2011, the international community will once again take up the issue of a Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities at the UN in October. Diverging national interests threaten to derail the talks.

Review – Global Warming Gridlock

Nick Chan • Jun 25 2012 • Features

Global Warming Gridlock has in its crosshairs the conventional wisdom that has straitjacketed both national and international efforts at dealing with climate change

Know Thy Enemy: Intelligence in COIN Operations

Ryan Aherin • Jun 25 2012 • Essays

An understanding of both military and political intelligence is key to applying the force necessary to neutralize insurgent forces and for a successful COIN strategy.

Militancy in the Niger Delta: Petro-Capitalism and the Politics of Youth

Joe Sutcliffe • Jun 25 2012 • Essays

Research must consider the links between militants and the oil complex in order to assess the potential for further rounds of violence.

Quebec’s Spring of Discontent

Kimberley Brownlee • Jun 24 2012 • Articles

Thousands of post secondary students have taken to the streets of Quebec in nightly demonstrations against a government plan to hike tuition fees by 75%. The importance of civility highlights some ethical issues of the protests.

Review – Justifying Ballistic Missile Defence

Bleddyn E. Bowen • Jun 24 2012 • Features

Columba Peoples considers why it is that successive US administrations have pursued missile defence and calls for a critical approach to understand the role of technology in security.

An Examination of Decisions to Intervene in Libya and Syria

Paul Stokes • Jun 23 2012 • Essays

The crises in Libya and Syria, whilst similar in nature, have elicited very different reactions from the international community over the past year.

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