Archive for 2012

Will the Euro Rival the US Dollar?

Silvia Caneva • Jun 8 2012 • Essays

Given the structural deficiencies that weaken the EMU and consequently the international status of the Euro, it is unlikely that the Euro will rival the Dollar, at least in the short term.

A Rentier Class: Economic Aspects of the Colonial Legacy in Senegal

J. Paul Barker • Jun 7 2012 • Essays

The legacy of French colonial rule continued to be a shaping force in the economic development of Senegal for decades following its independence. This placed restraints on the economy and made it difficult for businesses to generate growth independent of the regime.

The Causes of the Iraq War: Implications for Morgenthau, Wendt, and Waltz

Bleddyn E. Bowen • Jun 7 2012 • Essays

Some classical realist and constructivist principles allow us to make sense of the Iraq war, but a neorealist fixation on the distribution of material capabilities does not.

The Significance of the Dreyfus Affairs on Politics in France from 1894 to 1906

Jean-Baptiste Tai-Sheng Jacquet • Jun 6 2012 • Essays

The Dreyfus affair helped the French Republic reassert her power over the army and those parties who wanted to topple the democracy.

Turkey’s New Constitution & Secular Democracy: A Case for Liberty

Murat Somer • Jun 5 2012 • Articles

Turkey needs a pluralist and democratic-secular constitution with strong divisions of power and checks and balances. It should have specific & strong protections to secure accountability, an independent and neutral judiciary and freedom of belief and expression for all.

Morality and Pragmatism in the Obama Doctrine

Edwin A. Taylor III • Jun 5 2012 • Articles

Speculation remains as to what sort of foreign policy captain President Obama is and whether the president has articulated foreign policy doctrine specific to his administration.

Seeing Gender in International Security

Laura Sjoberg • Jun 5 2012 • Articles

Gender is not the only lens, idea, concept, or ‘variable’ that one needs to explain security. But, security cannot be fully defined, understood, or obtained without the aid of feminist theorizing.

Are Men Still Missing? The Marginalisation of Feminism and Gender in IR

Meagan Tyler • Jun 5 2012 • Articles

When students are introduced to IR, they need to be introduced to the concept of feminism as more than just an add-on idea to consider after they have tackled and understood the “real” IR theories of realism and liberal internationalism.

France: Proud of her Role During the Rwandan Genocide?

Fiona Cumberland • Jun 4 2012 • Essays

France’s strategic interests dictated its involvement during the Rwandan genocide. The incentive to preserve la Francophonie superseded any humanitarian action concerns.

Syria: The Death of a Nation?

Robert G. Rabil • Jun 4 2012 • Articles

Months after the outbreak of the uprising in Syria, Damascus continues its steady descent into sectarian strife and is at the epicenter of a regional struggle that may well shape the new political contours of the Middle East.

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