Archive for 2012

Western Military Intervention in Somalia: The Correct Approach

Dan G. Cox • May 25 2012 • Articles

As dark as the past two decades for Somalia have been, the stability and development coupled with the demise of Al Shabab and a concerted attack on Somali piracy point to a brighter future.

Critiquing the Colour Blind Stance on Racial Politics in New Zealand

Sophie Tapper • May 24 2012 • Essays

In our allegedly ‘post-race’ society, there is growing consensus that the political approach to achieving racial equality should be distinctively colour blind.

Review – The Future of Power

Luke M. Herrington • May 24 2012 • Features

Nye offers an intriguing analysis of the changing nature of power and how new geopolitical and economic trends will alter world politics in the coming years.

Consumer Activism: Reinforcing Moral Identity through Fair Trade Coffee

Pierce Lohman • May 24 2012 • Essays

A consumer’s choice is not limited to quality alone. A consumer activist can strengthen his or her moral identity by buying fair trade goods.

What is the Best Way to Deal With Former Combatants in Order to Ensure Peace?

Phil Brown • May 23 2012 • Essays

Comprehensive reintegration processes are the most advantageous way to deal with former combatants to ensure lasting peace.

The Legacy of Communism in CEE

Billy Marsh • May 23 2012 • Essays

No culture or society can escape the 1989 revolutions; they marked a distinct caesura in International Relations. The states that emerged had to deal with unique circumstances, being geographically located in Europe but politically worlds apart.

The ‘Missing’ Men of International Relations

Jeff Hearn • May 23 2012 • Articles

It is rather rare for international relations to be seen from a gender perspective. Just as the state is still often represented as gender-neutral, so too usually are relations between states and other aspects of IR.

NATO and Afghanistan: Lessons Learned?

Robert W. Murray • May 23 2012 • Articles

At present, the NATO mission in Afghanistan is a failure. Though the Taliban regime was overthrown, violence continues to plague daily life across the country.

François Hollande and French Foreign Policy: Between Virtù and Fortuna

John Gaffney • May 23 2012 • Articles

For the moment, François Hollande is one of the luckiest politicians in the history of the Fifth Republic. It remains to be seen whether he may turn out to be one the most skillful.

Reform of The Turkish Constitution: A Step Forward or Backward?

James W. Warhola • May 23 2012 • Articles

The present process has been admirably participatory to date, and demonstrates a political maturity that may well serve as the foundation for an appropriate constitution, even though its details are as yet undetermined.

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