Archive for 2012

Obama is Overpromising the Wrong Things

Harvey M. Sapolsky • May 16 2012 • Articles

Fixing America’s debt problem, repairing its infrastructure, and re-training the workforce for a modern economy would prove popular. If only someone would make those promises.

Review – Fragments of the Afghan Frontier

Mark Beautement • May 16 2012 • Features

Fragments of the Afghan Frontier combines painstaking anthropological field research with extensive historical analysis to assess Afghanistan’s frontier regions and people.

Reflections on the New Republic of South Sudan

John Ashworth • May 15 2012 • Articles

While South Sudan is clearly facing great problems and even grave danger at the moment, there is still room for optimism. The people are resilient and determined, they are proud of their new nation, and they have a remarkable capacity for hope.

The Influence of Right Wing Politics in Britain During the 2009 European Elections

Kriti Bami • May 15 2012 • Essays

Parties that identify with being on the right of centre, who follow a Eurosceptic ideology and call for the withdrawal of Britain from the European Union show significant growth in electoral support in recent years.

The Effect of Nationalist Ideology on Violence in Yugoslavia in the 1990s

William Western • May 15 2012 • Essays

Nationalist ideology provided the moral, political and military impetus to ethnically cleanse contested territories to create a ‘fit’ between nation and state.

Russia’s Foreign Policy in Kosovo

Abit Hoxha • May 12 2012 • Articles

Russia’s Balkans strategy is one of deterrence. It will maintain a high-profile denial of Kosovo’s independence and attempt to block the new nation from the international stage.

Responsibility for Anders Breivik

Peter Vale • May 11 2012 • Articles

The Norwegians may be living through a painful ordeal, or switching off, as they choose. Yet, the truth is that we are all responsible for Breivik and this terrible crime against humanity.

MEND: The Nature of an Insurgency

Morten Boas • May 11 2012 • Articles

The rebellion in the Niger Delta is an attempt to address social injustice (a strategy) as well as a mode of production and a way of make a living (a tactic).

Chinese Leadership Transition and Cross-Strait Relations: Continuity Amid Uncertainty

Dalei Jie • May 11 2012 • Articles

Although the upcoming Chinese leadership transition inevitably injects a degree of uncertainty into its relations vis-à-vis Taiwan, both history and the recent successes of Beijing’s cross-Strait policy make drastic changes unlikely.

The Western Sahara Peace Process: Tragedy or Farce?

Jacob Mundy • May 10 2012 • Articles

The UN mandate to achieve a political solution that will afford Western Sahara its long denied right to self-determination is a farce and everyone knows it.

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