Archive for 2012

Can Any Realists do P.R. Anymore?

Zachary Keck • May 10 2012 • Articles

Steve Walt is right that the world would be better off if realists ran U.S. foreign policy. But they never will do so until they learn how to sell their policy prescriptions to the American people.

The Role of Stable Small States in Implementing the Responsibility to Protect

Charles Tay • May 9 2012 • Essays

Smaller nations have played a secondary, or non-existent role to major powers. Yet, they are well placed to play instrumental roles in implementing the R2P.

Getting Somalia Wrong

Mary Harper • May 9 2012 • Articles

By presenting Somalia as the world’s worst country, elements of the media are not only doing Somalia a disservice, they are blinding the world to the opportunities the country has to offer.

Turkey’s Concerns on Syrian WMDs

Serhan Ünal • May 8 2012 • Articles

Syria is different to all other countries hit by the Arab Spring. The international community’s main security concern should be the fate of Syrian WMDs.

(Mis)Stating Palestine

Phil Leech • May 7 2012 • Articles

The Palestinian Authority’s reforms have appeared to make it into a fierce entity. In actuality, they conceal deeper weaknesses in the organization which need to be addressed.

Climate Change and Godwin’s Law

Rodger A Payne • May 6 2012 • Articles

The Heartland Institute placed the above billboard along the Eisenhower Expressway in Chicago this past week. For $200, they bought a lot of publicity for climate change skeptics.

Judging Susceptibility to Ethnic Conflict

Charlotte Clapham • May 6 2012 • Essays

There is nothing inevitable or predictable about ethnic conflict; it is far more complicated a phenomenon than simply a foreseeable clash of ethnicities.

International Relations and Time

Daryl Morini • May 5 2012 • Articles

The IR calling is a fast-paced, high-intensity, you-snooze-you-loose business. In the academic era of the “publish or perish” doctrine, it is useful to reflect upon time, as both an important variable in IR theory, and a relentless force in our own lives.

Review – Keeping a Sharp Eye

Daniel Conway • May 4 2012 • Features

Daniel Conway reviews Peter Vale’s intriguing and entertaining overview of cartoons focused on the last century of South Africa’s troubled international relations.

A Critical Analysis of Civil-Military Cooperation in Post-Taliban Afghanistan

Ramin Shirzay • May 4 2012 • Essays

Humanitarian NGO’s are suffering from a deficient civil-military cooperation approach caused by the enormous engagement of the military in relief operations.

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