Archive for 2012

The Role of the State in Development: Re-examining Neo-Liberal Recommendations

Annemarie Detlef • Apr 26 2012 • Essays

Examining the history of development in the UK, the US, Germany and Japan brings the policy recommendations of neoliberalism into question.

Security Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing Arctic Environment

Heather Conley • Apr 26 2012 • Articles

As the polar ice cap melts, the US and the international community are underprepared to address the growing economic dynamics of the Arctic.

Can The Military Be A-Political?

Shaun Sunil Sandu • Apr 26 2012 • Essays

Due to the nature of warfare and policy-making itself, it is almost impossible for a soldier to be a-political.

Prospects for Peace in Syria

Hisham H. Ahmed • Apr 26 2012 • Articles

The question is not whether the regime will crumble, but rather when, and under what circumstances. The answers will have a profound impact on the future of Syria and the Arab world.

The China-Philippines Face Off at Scarborough Shoal: Back to Square One?

Carlyle Thayer • Apr 26 2012 • Articles

The current standoff in the South China Sea between the Philippines and China threatens to raise tensions to new heights.

Is There a Future for Social Democracy in an Era of Globalisation?

Sean McDaniel • Apr 25 2012 • Essays

The restraints supposedly placed on social democracy by globalisation are misconceived and damaging. It has a future in the international economy, but the terms of the debate must be reconsidered.

Review – Security and Environmental Change

Marc Van Impe • Apr 25 2012 • Features

Dalby’s book provides an inspiring conceptual framework to deal with environmental security. Whilst worthy of further study, it is built on a restricted perception of reality.

Women’s Bodies Are Battlefields

Beth Speake • Apr 25 2012 • Essays

The targeting of women’s bodies in times of conflict has come to light as a systematic strategy which has been used by different actors in many different contexts worldwide. The current situation in Guatemala provides a pertinent case study.

Combating Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa

Robin Clempson • Apr 25 2012 • Essays

Sub-Saharan Africa has failed to see solid improvements in poverty indicators. Less money spent on measuring poverty and more spent working to reduce it could be the way to progress.

Turkey Today: A “Leviathan” or a “Law-seeker”?

Begum Burak • Apr 25 2012 • Articles

The profound social and political changes Turkey has undergone have made it a law seeking nation. Ankara is now on the path to becoming a full fledged democracy under the rule of law.

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