Archive for 2012

A Post-Structuralist Agenda for Development?

Trevor Parfitt • Apr 10 2012 • Articles

The deconstructive approach is similar to the agenda propounded by post-development analysts, but if anything it is more inclusive. Development should be considered as a continual process of improvement rather than as a final goal

Drones: The Future of Warfare?

Daniel Bruntstetter • Apr 10 2012 • Articles

Drones will be part of the future of warfare as their advantages can be exploited by political leaders. Yet, drones are only part of a wide array of surveillance and military options.

An Ominous Matryoshka Doll: Egypt’s Mediating Role in the New Middle East

Dan Tschirgi • Apr 9 2012 • Articles

When violence broke out last month between Israel and Palestinian militants, Egypt once again stepped in to mediate a truce. In the wake of the Arab Spring and Iran’s rising power, however, Cairo and the parties to conflict will find it increasingly difficult to contain the fallout.

Is Identity the Root Cause of Sudan’s Civil Wars?

anon • Apr 9 2012 • Essays

Sudan has for so long experienced civil strife and so war has become a norm within Sudanese political society.

Kony 2012.2: Should We Jump on the #StopKony Bandwagon?

Alexandra Buskie • Apr 9 2012 • Articles

Hold on to your hat, the Hurricane Kony is on its way back! Kony 2012 “take two” attempts to rectify the first video’s mistakes. However, it is doubtful that this video can reach the same popularity of its older brother.

Japan’s Nuclear Future

Jeff Kingston • Apr 9 2012 • Articles

The great risk in Japan today and well into the future is that the lessons of Fukushima are being skewed, ignored or marginalized in a nation where nuclear energy represents a significant and abiding risk.

Rwandan Genocide: Failure of the International Community?

Dominique Maritz • Apr 7 2012 • Essays

The “shadow of Somalia”, national interest and lack of internal pressure led to international failure to prevent and stop the Rwandan genocide.

Regional Responses to the DPRK’s Satellite Launch

Benjamin Habib • Apr 7 2012 • Articles

The international community approaches North Korea with a poor tasting carrot and a broken stick. This gives Pyongyang a great deal of leverage in regional diplomacy.

Failed Humanitarian Intervention in East Timor

Katherine Green • Apr 6 2012 • Essays

Although East Timor gained independence in 2002, it was a failure to mitigate ethnic tensions in 1999 that demonstrated the UN’s self-limiting culture.

Rethinking Air/Sea Battle Before It Is Too Late

Dan G. Cox • Apr 6 2012 • Articles

Instead of dying, the Air/Sea Battle concept has done nothing but pick up steam. The biggest problem with it is that it forces China to feel like enemy number one. Hopefully, they won’t start acting like enemy number one.

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