Archive for 2012

Linkage – Simulating History to Understand International Politics

Daryl Morini • Apr 2 2012 • Features

IR students may one day thank Weir and Baranowski for making the discipline more fun via their latest journal article.

Sudan and South Sudan Still Suffering the Consequences of Divorce

Peter Run • Apr 2 2012 • Articles

Less than a year following the break up of Sudan into two sovereign republics, it is ticking all the boxes of a bitter and nasty dissolution of marriage.

The Resilience of Arab Spring Monarchies

Ariana Keyman • Apr 2 2012 • Essays

The consequences of the Arab Spring will be different for monarchies than for republics. Arab monarchies are stronger structurally, and more flexible.

US Disinvestment from European Security since the Cold War

Giovanni Pinelli • Apr 1 2012 • Essays

In the aftermath of the Cold War the world found itself confronting a new security environment, and this process of transformation produced very complex and ambiguous effects on the EU-US security relationship.

An Evaluation of Neoconservative Foreign Policy

David Sykes • Apr 1 2012 • Essays

Neoconservative foreign policy has a solid core of reasonable assumptions, but America’s attempts to put the neoconservative agenda into practice came at an enormous human and political cost.

SAPs and the Build up to the Rwandan Genocide

Thomas Hauschildt • Mar 31 2012 • Essays

It is evident that SAPs worsened the economic situation of Rwanda, and they had significant effects on the wider social and political environment.

Perpetuating Ancient Female Norms in South Asia

anon • Mar 30 2012 • Essays

In South Asia, the ongoing prevalence of violence against women is structurally associated with the region’s cultural incorporation of patriarchal norms.

Review – Strategic Vision

Alex Stark • Mar 29 2012 • Features

In this book, Zbigniew Brzezinski surveys the forces today that will shape the geo-political landscape of the near- and medium-term future.

Latin America’s International Projection: Trends and Trajectories for 2012

Gian Luca Gardini • Mar 29 2012 • Articles

Three trends are likely to characterise the global projection of Latin America in 2012: the rise of Brazil; the mushrooming of projects supposedly aimed at promoting Latin American unity; and summitry with the US, the EU, and China.

Abjection and Resistance on the Zambian Copperbelt

Joe Sutcliffe • Mar 29 2012 • Essays

By concentrating on the struggles of Copperbelt mineworkers, their resistance to neoliberal domination in Zambia be understood and reaffirmed.

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