Archive for 2012

Is the United States a ‘Neocon Nation’?

Jonathan Provan • Mar 9 2012 • Essays

America is a not ‘neocon nation’, but rather an idealist nation in a realist world: the US does pursue the extension of liberal capitalist democracy, but this idealistic goal must be reconciled with the realities of international politics.

Violently Repressive Authoritarian Regimes and Legitimacy

Samantha K. Lee • Mar 9 2012 • Essays

Any government, even a violently repressive authoritarian one, can be legitimate given that its people believe it to be so.

Assessing the Risk of Global Climate Change on the Australian Defence Force

Michael Thomas • Mar 8 2012 • Articles

While other militaries around the world have taken notice of climate change and are now acting, defence planners and policy elite in Australia are pre-occupied by global power shifts. In confining climate change as a third order issue, they are overlooking major risks.

Development and Geopolitics in East Asia

James Newman • Mar 8 2012 • Essays

Whilst the developmental state approach contributed to economic growth in South Korea, it cannot provide a model that can be applied elsewhere.

A Critical Introduction to the ‘Legalisation of World Politics’

Peter Brett • Mar 8 2012 • Articles

Contrary to realist expectations, states have frequently engaged in institutionalised co-operation even under conditions of anarchy.

Western Armed Forces and the Mass Media in Historical Perspective

Stephen Badsey • Mar 8 2012 • Articles

The appearance of social media is less a major change than simply one more development in the long history of propaganda. In focussing on technological changes, governments and their armed forces miss the wider political and social issues.

Is the War on Terror Over?

Mark Juergensmeyer • Mar 7 2012 • Articles

Young Muslim activists have received a new standard for challenging the old order, and a new form of protest, one that discredits terrorism as the easy and ineffective path.

Does Nationalism Facilitate Order and Justice?

Nadia Vittoria • Mar 7 2012 • Essays

Nationalism, as a concept, ultimately fails to facilitate order and justice in international society because of its inherently volatile and unpredictable nature.

India’s Iran-Israel Balancing Act

Sujata Ashwarya Cheema • Mar 7 2012 • Articles

Amidst growing Israeli-Iranian animosity, India’s traditional policy of compartmentalizing relations with each nation is becoming untenable.

Women’s Rights as Human Rights: Problems and Paradoxes

Hannah Butt • Mar 6 2012 • Articles

We have no option other than to work within the prevailing discourse of human rights, but should be aware of the limits of this course of action.

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