Archive for 2012

Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers and African Developmental States

Kathryn Brunton • Mar 6 2012 • Essays

Although the participatory approach is essential to development in its aims, its application through the PRSP initiative needs reworking.

Towards A Nuanced Understanding of Failed States

Ahmed Khaled Rashid and Elayna Hamashuk • Mar 6 2012 • Essays

Generalizations are not helpful in determining the causes and implications of state failure in particular cases, as the situation is Somalia demonstrates.

Bryan Adams and Bears: Who cares about Canadian foreign policy?

Matthew A. Hill • Mar 5 2012 • Articles

Being a US foreign policy specialist I have always dismissed Canadian foreign policy as non-existent. Perhaps I was wrong!

Federalism and Consociationalism in India

Jonathan Porter • Mar 5 2012 • Essays

India is a classic plural society and a massive federal polity. It proves a good case in studying the effect of federalism on ethnically diverse societies.

Review – God’s Century

J. Paul Barker • Mar 5 2012 • Features

God’s Century is not the first book to make a case for the importance of religion in global affairs. Yet, Toft, Philpott, and Shah’s book is a valuable addition to the literature.

Coming up for Air: Making Sense of the Australian ‘Future Submarines’ Debate

Alan Bloomfield • Mar 5 2012 • Articles

The Australian government will decide on a new submarine programme before mid-2012, its largest ever defence procurement. The debate is part of the discourse about China’s rise. For the first time, Australia’s major trading partner is not a member of the Western alliance.

Rebalancing Priorities: America, Europe, and Defence Austerity

Carl Cavanagh Hodge • Mar 5 2012 • Articles

Faced with fiscal pressures at home and rising powers elsewhere, the US is reducing its troop presence in Europe. The interests of European security can be best served by Britain and France developing a stronger joint expeditionary capacity.

Just who runs the E.U?

Robin Clempson • Mar 4 2012 • Essays

The original aims of the European project have long since evolved in to a much wider reaching and blurred set of aims that affect the lives of the regular European on a day to day basis

Honouring Mandela’s Legacy

Peter Vale • Mar 4 2012 • Articles

South Africa’s achievements rest on interdependence and an unwavering belief in constitutionalism. This is Nelson Mandela’s lasting legacy.

Review – After the Globe, Before the World

Alasdair McKay • Mar 3 2012 • Features

This book begins where R.B.J Walker left off in ‘Inside/Outside’, continuing his discussion of sovereignty, the state and the system of states.

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