Archive for 2012

Phronesis and Foreign Policy in Theory and Practice

David M. McCourt • Nov 23 2012 • Articles

Phronēsis is not of the academy, but of the political world. The key question, is not how IR scholars can “produce” phronēsis but how we can—alongside other international political knowledge producers—help foster it.

To What Extent is India a Successful Democracy?

Maurice Dunaiski • Nov 23 2012 • Essays

Democracy in Kerala has given rise to redistributive pressures that have translated into effective social policy and an exceptional performance with regard to most social indicators.

Can the Security Dilemma Ever be Escaped?

Laura Schmah • Nov 23 2012 • Essays

While some theorists contend that the Security Dilemma is an unavoidable consequence of state interaction, others argue that, though problematic, it is possible to mitigate and ultimately transcend the Security Dilemma.

What the 2012 Elections Portend for the Future of the Republican Party

Iwan Morgan • Nov 22 2012 • Articles

To remain competitive the Republicans need to expand their appeal beyond their 2012 voter base, particularly in order to capture votes from women, young people and the Latino population.

The Linear Mindset in the UN Engagement with Timor-Leste

Ramon Blanco • Nov 22 2012 • Articles

Timor-Leste is portrayed as a successful case of UN intervention. However, this perception of Timor-Leste as a success is misguided and plays an important role in regards to the use of UN peace instruments and also in regards to the very credibility of the UN itself.

Should Islam Become More Tolerant to Alcohol?

Ron Geaves • Nov 22 2012 • Articles

How does a religion which begins with a revelation from God that happens in one place, and at one historical moment, and given to one particular people, deal with change and development across time and cultures?

The Petraeus Scandal

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Nov 21 2012 • Articles

David Petraeus was thought to be a possible Republican US presidential or vice presidential candidate. This affair has ruined such opportunities, but it will not stop him from being part of the discussion of future national security issues.

Selectorate Theory and the Modern “Prince”

Jimmy Zhongmin Zhang • Nov 21 2012 • Essays

Rulers following Machiavelli’s populist model are better able to maximize coalition supervision, manage economic resources efficiently and maintain state security.

Civil Resistance, Transformative Nonviolence and the State

Iain Atack • Nov 21 2012 • Articles

The two forms of nonviolent political action; civil resistance and transformative nonviolence, have different attitudes towards the state. Civil resistance enhances state institutions whilst transformative nonviolence aims for new forms of social and political organisation.

Review – Obama and the Middle East

Robert Mason • Nov 21 2012 • Features

As Barack Obama prepares to enter a second term Fawaz Gerges assesses his first term in relation to the Middle East, examining the major themes and historical constraints of Obama’s foreign policy.

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