Archive for 2012

The Primacy of Structural Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa

Robin Clempson • Feb 1 2012 • Essays

1946-2002 saw 47 civil wars in sub–Saharan Africa. While structural violence plays its role, there are other factors to consider.

The Hungarian Crisis

Andrew Arato • Jan 31 2012 • Articles

Twenty years after the transition from a Communist regime, 8 years after the joining the EU, Hungary is in a constitutional crisis.

From Lifting Liberia to Lifting Liberians: Second Term Challenges for Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

Robtel Neajai Pailey • Jan 31 2012 • Articles

Liberia has come a long way since President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf took office. In order to make good on her promise to ‘lift Liberians,’ her approach to leadership must harken back to the people who presented her with a mandate to lead, as well as those who did not.

Nigeria’s Boko Haram: the Anatomy of a Crisis

Murray Last • Jan 30 2012 • Articles

Nigerians will doubtless find ways to overcome this crisis, but the solution may not lie in counter-violence. It will take remarkable acts of statesmanship to achieve an honourable peace with Boko Haram – it was achieved in 1970 after Nigeria’s bloody civil (‘Biafran’) war. It can be done again.

Humanitarian Intervention: An Exploration of its Justification and Best Practices

Joshua Matthewman • Jan 30 2012 • Essays

The use of humanitarian intervention remains haphazard and has been unjustly and incorrectly criticized as illegitimate and ineffective.

Terrorism Outlook for 2012

Rohan Gunaratna • Jan 30 2012 • Articles

The global terrorist threat is diversifying. After embracing al Qaeda tactics and ideology, more local groups seek to emulate al Qaeda. Groups are planning domestic and international operations to cause mass casualties.

Putin And The Challenge Of The ‘Vanguard Of The Bourgeoisie’

Mark Galeotti • Jan 29 2012 • Articles

Barring some extraordinary developments between now and 4 March, Putin will win the upcoming presidential elections in Russia. So if winning is not the real challenge facing Putin, what is?

Securitising The Environment: A Barrier To Combating Environment Degradation Or A Solution In Itself?

Parmila Kumari • Jan 29 2012 • Essays

Securitising environmental issues can aid in combating environmental degradation, by gaining the attention of high-level decision makers and enabling mobilisation of resources towards a solution. However if the focus of security remains on the state, securitisation is likely to cause problems as well as solve them.

The Evolving Normative Context and IDPs: An Application of R2P?

Sarah Torki • Jan 28 2012 • Essays

The Responsibility to Protect is said to ‘hold the potential to unblock and unlock persistent gaps in the protection of IDPs’. But the political as well as practical obstacles characterizing the international system are too important for IDPs to look at this concept for their protection.

Can We Simply “Add Gender” To Other International Relations Theories?

Sana Azad Rasoul • Jan 28 2012 • Essays

Feminist understandings cannot be viewed as mere supplements to the more classical paradigms because of the epistemological and ontological variations at work.

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