Archive for 2012

Islam and Immigration in French Society

Marcela Schaefer • Jan 28 2012 • Essays

Despite the rising attention from politicians and the media, Islam is not a threat to French society. Rather, Islam is but one of several prominent religions in France and one that is contributing to the ever-changing French culture.

Russia Transformed and Putin’s Challenge

Gordon M. Hahn • Jan 27 2012 • Articles

How Putin and Medvedev react to the resurrection of civil society and the white revolution will determine the future pattern of political order in Russia

Likud: A Balance Of Historic Ideology and Reality

Aaron T. Walter • Jan 27 2012 • Articles

As long as Likud’s principles remain uncompromising and Netanyahu holds firm to them there is little that will come of the peace process with the Palestinians.

Turning “Fortress Europe” Inside Out: Bordering Practices and the EU’s External Border

Gabrielle Tétrault-Farber • Jan 26 2012 • Essays

The external border of the EU has become dispersed within and beyond its territory, blurring the territorial scope of sovereign prerogatives.

1946: A Year of Ideological Preconceptions

Brendan Thomas-Noone • Jan 25 2012 • Essays

The view that the Truman administration took in the lead up to, and during, the critical year of 1946 consequently affected the government’s actions when dealing with the Soviet Union.

Air-Minded Considerations for Joint Counterinsurgency Doctrine

Charles J. Dunlap Jr • Jan 25 2012 • Articles

An effort is now under way to draft a joint COIN doctrine informed by an air-minded perspective to reflect the range, speed, and capabilities of aerospace forces.

Why Intervention in Libya was Justified

Francis E. Ramoin • Jan 25 2012 • Essays

This essay attempts to make the case for military force applied to humanitarian intervention by observing the unique case of the Libyan Revolution of 2011.

What makes a successful sanctions regime?

Erik Sande • Jan 25 2012 • Essays

This essay explores the partial “success” of sanctions in Libya and their “failure” in the case of North Korea, before looking at the issue of integrative complexity and the current sanctions regime in Iran.

21st Century Threats: Non State Actors, Participatory Democracy and Social Rights

Joel D. Hirst • Jan 25 2012 • Articles

The Americas are menaced by the emergence of a reactionary bloc of states & the rise of non-state actors that threaten to plunge the region into chaos.

Why Have Far-right Parties Been More Successful in Some States Than Others?

Alex Murray • Jan 24 2012 • Essays

From Hungary to Norway, far-right parties have made electoral gains across Europe; quadrupling their average share of the vote in recent decades

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