Archive for 2012

Non-Intervention, or Responsibility to Protect?

Mareike Oldemeinen • Jan 14 2012 • Essays

In recent decades, the realities of globalization and growing interdependency make it impossible to turn our backs on large-scale Human Rights violations and Crimes against Humanity committed in foreign countries.

A New Constitution for Turkey Without Democracy

Murat Akan • Jan 12 2012 • Articles

Turkey may be heading for yet another constitutional change, but not for a societally-based and well-deliberated democratic constitution writing. Meanwhile, deliberations continue under a façade of the moderate Islamists as the vanguards of anti-military democratic politics in Turkey.

Review – Managing the China Challenge

Shiran Shen • Jan 10 2012 • Features

China’s rapid economic growth continues apace presenting multi-national corporations with new opportunities. Kenneth G. Lieberthal explores the strategies MNCs need to employ to succeed in business in China and the importance of remaining sensitive to the state’s political concerns.

The Resource Curse: Governing Extractive Industries in the Global South

Jewellord Nem Singh • Jan 9 2012 • Articles

The paradox of the resource curse was that countries with natural resources performed worse than those with scarce or no resources. The controversy surrounding the thesis is whether its key claims are accurate.

Is political Islam on the losing side of the Arab Spring in Egypt?

Afshin Shahi • Jan 9 2012 • Articles

Egyptian progress towards democracy is still in doubt amidst a backdrop of deep social and economic troubles. Providing effective democratic structures are created and upheld, it is likely the Muslim Brothers and other Islamic forces will gradually lose support.

Review – Rising Powers, Shrinking Planet

Luke M. Herrington • Jan 9 2012 • Features

Klare’s analysis is timely, well written, and intriguing considering its central thesis that the world’s reliance on fossil fuels will eventually lead to increased geopolitical tensions. While other books offer a more thorough account, this is a welcome read.

On the ‘War on War’ in Modern Geopolitics

Idriss J. Aberkane • Jan 9 2012 • Essays

The unilateral projection of peace could become a potent political lever and a game changer in international relations, yet ‘peacefare’ and a ‘peace arsenal’, including confidence-building measures and a conflict-quelling capability, have seldom been looked into.

The Role of the Economic Elite in Mexico’s Democratic Development

Shaye Worthman • Jan 9 2012 • Essays

A widely held middle class critique of Mexico’s governing institutions is that politicians are accountable only to the private elites and do not respond to middle and lower class needs. Indeed, with a history of oligarchic-type rule and pervasive government corruption, private sector elites have consistently been major players in Mexican politics.

Is the Growing Criticism of the International Monetary Fund Justified?

Derek McKenna • Jan 8 2012 • Essays

The IMF is an international organisation that causes much debate. The neo-liberal ideological agenda, the control of the policy agenda by wealthy countries, and the conditionality attached to the loans it provides, all form the basis of worthy criticism.

Universals in a World of Difference: Human Rights in Sri Lanka

Holly Catling • Jan 4 2012 • Essays

The international community is fixated on the protection of human rights, and sees only one route to do this: the expansion of liberal democracy. The interest in propagating these models produced the conditions for conflict to break out in Sri Lanka.

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